Giibiiadvance Versions Save

A GB, GBC and GBA emulator with GB Camera support.


3 years ago

The resurrection release. After 6 years, this release has too many changes to describe in this textbox. Check the changelog for more details.

The most important thing is that now the build system has been rewritten in CMake and the code compiles with modern compilers (GCC 9, MSVC 2019).

Oh, and this is the first official release with GB Camera support.

There are two downloads for Windows. One of them has webcam support (for the GB Camera), the other one doesn't (it is much smaller). All DLLs are included.

There is no provided Linux build. Follow the instructions in the readme to know how to build it.


10 years ago

Release 0.2.0 of GiiBiiAdvance.

Included binaries for Windows and Linux (Ubuntu/Linux Mint) compiled with and without camera support.

Needed DLLs for Windows are included. For linux you need to install SDL2 and OpenCV if you want camera support.

Edit: Added license files...