Giflossy Versions Save

Merged into Gifsicle!


6 years ago


10 years ago

To use:

./gifsicle -O3 --lossy=80 -o lossy-compressed.gif input.gif

Adjust --lossy argument to suit quality (30 is very light compression, 200 is heavy).


10 years ago

1.2MB (was 1.9MB, original 3.3MB)



10 years ago

••• A newer release with an important bugfix is available •••

To use:

./gifsicle --lossy=80 -o lossy-compressed.gif input.gif

Adjust --lossy argument to suit quality (30 is very light compression, 200 is heavy).

It works best if the input image/anim is high quality and doesn't have heavy dithering (lossy compression will add its own dithering).


3.3MB original

fat smooth anim

1.9MB lossy

noisy small anim

Big thanks to Nico Bergemann for finding the bug that was stopping this release.

••• A newer release with an important bugfix is available •••


10 years ago

Warning: please verify that the animation plays fine in Firefox. The program may sometimes generate corrupted files, but not all browsers verify that files are valid.


10 years ago

Warning: there's a bug in the encoder that may cause invalid GIFs to be produced.