Geonode Versions Save

GeoNode is an open source platform that facilitates the creation, sharing, and collaborative use of geospatial data.


4 weeks ago



2 months ago



2 months ago



3 months ago


  • 3f03d7c Fixed Italian trnalsations
  • 445c84c Reduce log level in donwload handler


3 months ago


New features and improvements

  • Enhanced faceted filtering: Filtering of resources has undergone a deep refactoring with the goal of improving its performance and implement proper (cascaded) faceted filtering. The resoruces, and their counting, are calculated from the intersection of the topics selected between different filters (AND logic) and the union of the optics selected from the same filter (OR logic). An improvement is planned for a future version to let users select additional topics from the same filter that happen to be hidden because not cointained in the current results.
  • Location view and management: A new "Location" tab is available inside the information side panel, where the bounding box of the resoruce and its centroid are displayed. The location for spatial resources (datasets and maps) are automatically retrieved by the data itself. For non-spatial resources the same panel gives editors the tools to set the bounding bos and the position of the resource.
  • Linked resources: The options to link resources has been extended to any type of resource. It's possible to related any resource with any other resource (one or many), and the relationship is disaplyed inside the new "Lined resources" tab inside the information side panel. The direction of the relationship is also visible, since linked resources are disaplyed under two distinct groups "Linked from" and "Lined to".

Other minor improvements

  • Implemented a generic and pluggable OIDC SocialAccount Provider, which extends and improves the one provided by the allauth module already available in GeoNode
  • Documents from remote URLs can be created from the client
  • Regions are not assigned to new resources automatically anymore. A pluggable and configurable option lets administrators implement specific logic for the automatic assignmenet if required
  • Option to configure a WMTS service to generate thumbnail backgrounds
  • The rendering of thumbnails for the maps now take into account ordering and opacity
  • Implemented the option to do not register new users as contributors automatically (default behaviour)

Software upgrades:

  • Django 3.2.23
  • Geoserver 2.23.3
  • PostgreSQL 15.3 / PostGIS 3.3
  • Nginx 1.25.3

The full list of changes here


7 months ago

Security fixes


You can see the full list of closed PRs here.


8 months ago

Bug Fixes

  • Upgrade to geonode-importer 1.0.5 which fixes the import with filenames longer then 63 chars
  • Fixed parsing and rendering of ISO TC211 spatial representetion type

You can see the full list of closed PRs here.


8 months ago

Software upgrades

  • Upgrade to Ubuntu 22.10
  • Upgrade to Django 3.2.20

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed direct download URL not working in some cases when local files are not available
  • Fixed assignment of regions crossing the dateline
  • Fixed harvesting of ArcGIS REST ImageServer services
  • Fixed some italian translations

You can see the full list of closed PRs here.


10 months ago

New features

New upload engine

GeoNode integrates a brand new importer module based on GDAL/OGR, which offers increased robustness and reliability to the upload UI and API services. GeoPackage (vector), GeoJSON, KML/KMZ formats and a new CSV handler have been implemented.

Thesaurus faceting and date filtering

If thesaurus and thesaurus keywords are configured and assigned to resources, they will be available inside the filters panel, along with the number of associated resources. Date filtering (from/top) has also been added.

Time series configurable after the upload

The configuration of (potential) time series at upload time was confusing for users, and not very robust. With the new importer, the optional configuration of vector time series can be done afterward, through the Settings tab inside the Metadata editing page Only vector fomats that provide date(time) fields natively are supported. Conversion from string fields is not implemented.

Linked resources

This restore a functionality available in previous versions of GeoNode. A tab inside the info panel has been added where relationships between datasets, maps and documents are reported.

Vector dataset attributes

A tab inside the info panel has been added showing the attributes of vector datasets

Remote documents

The API has been extended to permit the creation of document resources referencing remote URLs

ISO-19115 XML upload via API

The API now supports the upload of a metadata XML file along with the resource data

Software upgrades

Security and Bug Fixes

You can see the full list of closed issues here.

System requirements

Python >3.9 is required to run GeoNode 4.1.0, since many of its dependencies have dropped support for older versions.


1 year ago

Change Log

4.0.3 (2023-02-23)

Breaking Changes

What's Changed

Enhancements and Features


Bug Fixes

Dependencies Updates

Security Updates

Full Changelog: