Genshin Glyphs Versions Save

Constructed scripts by HoYoverse 米哈游的架空文字


2 months ago

Add Fontaine script.


2 months ago


I’m sorry for releasing Fontaine script late.


11 months ago

Readjusted the kerning of all letters. Readjusted the size of all numbers.


11 months ago


11 months ago

经过了几个月的磨磨蹭蹭,我终于把仙舟联盟的文字做好啦! 这款字体有三点特殊的地方,请听我说:

  • 所有字母的宽度都是一样的,这是因为绝大多数汉字字体的宽度也是这样的。
  • 大写字母的字形会比小写字母的大一点儿,实际宽度也更宽。
  • 空格在遇到大小写字母的时候会自动改变自己的宽度,以满足其等宽的特点。也就是遇到大写字母的时候宽一点,遇到小写字母的时候窄一点。

注意:请大家不要大小写字母混着输入,空格宽度取决于其左边的字母,也就是 A <空格> b 的宽度取决于大写的A


I've been dawdling for several months and finally completed Xianzhou's script!
This font family is somehow unique in 3 ways. Please listen closely:

  • All letters have the same width. This is because the widths of all Chinese characters are the same in most fonts. (If you're not happy with the word I used, I can also call them Hanzi, Hanja or Kanji)
  • Uppercase letters are slightly larger than lowercase letters, as well as their widths.
  • Spaces change their width when they meet letters in different cases to match the letter's width. This means a space is wider when it meets an uppercase letter, and narrower when it meets a lowercase letter.

Please be aware that you should not mix cases in a single sentence. Because the space's width depends on the letter to its left. For example, the space in A <space> b has the same width as A.

The reason I changed the name of the font is that I thought only Luofu uses this script when I first played this game. But Xianzhou is made up of 6 boats (spaceships), it could be annoying if every boat use a different script.


1 year ago

现在,这款字体已经完整地做出了 26 个字母以及其大小写。并且修复了上一个版本中带衬线风格的字符里,衬线错位的问题。另外,还重新调整了所有字母的字偶距。请愉快使用吧!

Now this font contains all 26 letters (uppercase and lowercase). I fixed the issue where some characters' serifs may be in a wrong position. I also adjusted all letters' kernings. Enjoy!


1 year ago

这是我第一次把游戏里的架空文字当成真正的字体来对待。 这个完全从头制作的星穹铁道文包含了五种不同的字重(极细体、细体、常规、中黑体与粗体),以及一个可选的衬线版本。 同时字母之间的距离也经过了精细的调节。 第一次同时发布 TTF、OTF、以及 WOFF2 格式的字体,满足你不同的需求。

苹果设备的用户请使用 mobileconfig 后缀的链接。

This is my first time putting much effort into a constructed script in this game. I discarded the old one and began anew. Now it has five different weights (extra light, light, regular, semi-bold, and bold) and an optional serif version. I also carefully adjusted the kerning. This is also the first time releasing the font in different formats (TTF, OTF, and WOFF2) to meet your requirements.

For Apple devices users, please use the link with the extension mobileconfig.


1 year ago


1 year ago

Add Luofo Neue.


1 year ago

Alphabet now comes with a new look!