Gamebosu Versions Save

🕹 A custom ruleset for osu!lazer that adds a playable gameboy.


4 months ago

Disclaimer: This is still a WIP. As such, things may be missing or broken Please see the installation instructions for detailed steps on installing the ruleset

This version should work with osu!lazer >= 2023.1224.0


8 months ago

Disclaimer: This is still a WIP. As such, things may be missing or broken Please see the installation instructions for detailed steps on installing the ruleset

This version should work with osu!lazer >= 2023.815.0


10 months ago

Disclaimer: This is still a WIP. As such, things may be missing or broken Please see the installation instructions for detailed steps on installing the ruleset

This version should work with osu!lazer >= 2023.621.0


1 year ago

Disclaimer: This is still a WIP. As such, things may be missing or broken Please see the installation instructions for detailed steps on installing the ruleset

This version should work with osu!lazer >= 2023.403.1

  • Added a DMG-01 sprite.


1 year ago

Disclaimer: This is still a WIP. As such, things may be missing or broken Please see the installation instructions for detailed steps on installing the ruleset

This version should work with osu!lazer >= 2023.207.0


1 year ago

Disclaimer: This is still a WIP. As such, things may be missing or broken Please see the installation instructions for detailed steps on installing the ruleset

This version should work with osu!lazer >= 2022.1022.0


image There's now a button in the toolbar to open the ROM selection menu. Handy!


1 year ago

Disclaimer: This is still a WIP. As such, things may be missing or broken Please see the installation instructions for detailed steps on installing the ruleset

This version should work with osu!lazer >= 2022.1008.0


  • You can now select roms in the selection overlay regardless of your mouse buttons activation state during gameplay.
  • Upgraded to osu! ver 2022.1008.0


1 year ago

Disclaimer: This is still a WIP. As such, things may be missing or broken Please see the installation instructions for detailed steps on installing the ruleset

This version should work with osu!lazer >= de


1 year ago

Disclaimer: This is still a WIP. As such, things may be missing or broken Please see the installation instructions for detailed steps on installing the ruleset

This version should work with osu!lazer >= 2022.523.0


2 years ago

Disclaimer: This is still a WIP. As such, things may be missing or broken Please see the installation instructions for detailed steps on installing the ruleset

This version should work with osu!lazer >=2022.509.0