GAIA DataSet Versions Save

GAIA, with the full name Generic AIOps Atlas, is an overall dataset for analyzing operation problems such as anomaly detection, log analysis, fault localization, etc.


2 years ago

Previously, we have provided data for July 2021 of MicroSS. As promised before, we are now updating GAIA to V1.10.

In this update, we added one-month data for August 2021 from MicroSS to GAIA. The repository structure is maintained, except that we omitted the trace data whose pattern is quite similar to those that have already been published.

Another good news is, we are deploying a new business scenario on MicroSS. The new scenario will contain system logs, which are not provided in the current scenario. Meanwhile, monitoring on more commonly used middlewares and databases is supported, including Zookeeper, Redis, MySQL etc. We also designed more anomaly injection methods so as to simulate system faults as real as possible.

The next big update of GAIA may be on September 2021, with data from the new scenario. We hope everyone can enjoy the research on the IT operation, and get benifit from GAIA.


2 years ago

GAIA contains the data from MicroSS (in MicroSS repository in Github link) and metrics from companions (in Companion Data repository in Github link). Statistically, the data from MicroSS contains more than 6,500 metrics, 7,000,000 log items and detailed trace data continuously collected for two weeks. In this scenario, we also simulate the anomalies that may happen in real systems and provide the record for all anomaly injections for fair evaluation of root cause analysis algorithms. This is achieved by controlling the users' behaviors and mimicking the wrong manipulations to the systems.

The data files are listed below.

Git repository Relevant repository Download
MicroSS metric | trace | business | run MicroSS
Companion Data metric_detection | metric_forecast | log Companion Data