Full Stack Versions Save

Full stack, modern web application generator. Using Flask, PostgreSQL DB, Docker, Swagger, automatic HTTPS and more.


4 years ago


As FastAPI and the equivalent project generator provide a much better solution to all the use cases this project was built for, all the future development will be done there.

You are still free to use this project, but it won't receive any new features, changes, or bug fixes.


5 years ago

Update PGAdmin to the newest version and fix env vars for it.

PR #21 by @AYEG.

Note: There are several bug fixes and additional features included up to this point that didn't have a release.


5 years ago
  • Services wait for their dependencies (other services) to be available "smartly", not a fixed amount of time, using tenacity. This improves development time speed, testing speed, and fixes race conditions that produce errors in CI environments when the CI server is having high usage and the fixed waiting time as too small.
  • Better handling of the database, using Flask-SQLAlchemy for session handling inside of Flask, but keeping the models independent, to be usable inside Celery workers.
  • By default, new projects now have a first Alembic revision, and the command override to make containers be "alive" doing nothing disabled. So that a new project can start with everything "worker" in just a couple commands, without needing additional steps.
  • There is now an environment variable USERS_OPEN_REGISTRATION that enables or disables open registration to the system, with its own API endpoint. PR #6 by @abnerjacobsen