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Python solutions to Advent of Code puzzles, https://adventofcode.com/

Project README

All Advent of Code solutions in Python

This repository contains my Python solutions to the Advent of Code puzzles.

The solutions do not optimize any given parameter: They are not the shortest possible solutions, they are not the fastest possible solutions (or we wouldn't be doing Python). They are also not the most readable solutions, and they are not always the first solutions I would come up with (as leaderboard rushing code tends to be full of eyesores). Rather, they are the solutions that I wish I would have come up with on first try. That is, they're something like my own initial solutions, cleaned up, and when necessary infused with the genius of the people on the Reddit Solution Megathreads.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Fuglede Adventofcode" Project. README Source: fuglede/adventofcode

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