FScape Versions Save

A standalone audio rendering software for time domain and spectral signal processing. Mirror of https://codeberg.org/sciss/FScape


3 years ago

We provide two types of binaries - a "plain" one that requires you to separately install a Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or 11, and "full" ones that are bundled with OpenJDK 11 (origin: https://adoptopenjdk.net/):

This is the "plain" download:

  • fscape_{version}_all.zip is platform neutral. You will find shell scripts fscape (for Linux and OS X) and fscape.bat (for Windows) in the bin directory.

These are the downloads bundled with JDK:

  • fscape-full_{version}_linux_x64.zip (for Linux 64-bit Intel/AMD)
  • fscape-full_{version}_win_x64.zip (for Windows)
  • fscape-full_{version}_mac_x64.zip (for Mac)
  • fscape-full_{version}_x64.deb is a Debian package. You install it via sudo dpkg -i fscape-full_{version}_x64.deb. This is the preferred method on Debian and Ubuntu, since it will add an executable fscape to your system and a desktop shortcut with icon. To uninstall, run sudo apt remove fscape.


5 years ago

This release is provided with two binary downloads:

  • FScape-<version>-universal.zip is platform neutral. You will find shell scripts fscape (for Linux and macOS) and fscape.bat (for Windows) in the bin directory.
  • FScape_<version>_all.deb is a Debian package. You install it via sudo dpkg -i FScape_<version>_all.deb. This is the preferred method on Debian and Ubuntu, since it will add an executable fscape to your system and a Desktop shortcut with icon. To uninstall run sudo apt-get remove fscape.


7 years ago

This release is provided with two binary downloads:

  • FScape-1.4.0-universal.zip is platform neutral. You will find shell scripts fscape (for Linux and macOS) and fscape.bat (for Windows) in the bin directory.
  • FScape_1.4.0_all.deb is a Debian package. You install it via sudo dpkg -i FScape_1.4.0_all.deb. This is the preferred method on Debian and Ubuntu, since it will add an executable fscape to your system and a Desktop shortcut with icon. To uninstall run sudo apt-get remove fscape.


8 years ago

This release is provided with two binary downloads:

  • fscape-1.2.0-universal.zip is platform neutral. You will find shell scripts fscape (for Linux and OS X) and fscape.bat (for Windows) in the bin directory.
  • fscape_1.2.0.deb is a Debian package. You install it via sudo dpkg -i fscape_1.2.0.deb. This is the preferred method on Debian, since it will add an executable fscape to your system and a Desktop shortcut with icon. To uninstall run sudo apt-get remove fscape.