Fritz2 Versions Save

Easily build reactive web-apps in Kotlin based on flows and coroutines.


1 month ago


  • PR #855: Make lenses genration more resilient with KSP >= 1.9.x
  • PR #857: Add renderTrue and renderFalse convenience functions


3 months ago

This release fixes some leftover issues with event handling for nested portals (a dropdown inside a pop-over, for example) and improves the focus management for some headless components.


  • PR #853: Improves Focus Management of RadioGroups

Fixed Bugs

  • PR #851: Fix nested listbox selection behavior
  • PR #852: Fix focus-trap for firefox tests


4 months ago


The most important change for the project is the upgrade to the latest Kotlin version, that is 1.9.22 at the time of this release and gradle 8.5.

  • PR #789: Kotlin 1.9.20 & refreshVersions plugin
  • PR #841: Refresh Versions for upcoming RC13 Release (Kotlin 1.9.22 for example)
  • PR #845: Update Gradle to v8.5
  • PR #811: Move docs for new serialization module to docs sites
  • PR #817: Update the headless documentation of portalling
  • PR #819: Make RootStore.runWithJob public
  • PR #822: Improves PopUpPanel Rendering
  • PR #823: Improves and enhances the reactive styling
  • PR #824: Improve event handling in dataCollection
  • PR #826: Improves the validation message filtering and resets the default behaviour
  • PR #829: Add Scope handling for Portal Containers
  • PR #830, #834: Avoid events in flatMapLatest
  • PR #835: Improves PopUpPanel
  • PR #836: Improves TicTacToe example
  • PR #838: Add UI-Tests to GitHub Build-Process
  • PR #839: Add documentation for Stores current property

Fixed Bugs

  • PR #847: Fix implicit dependency error in Gradle for publishing
  • PR #843: Fix javadoc jar publication for publishing to MavenCentral
  • PR #842: Fix Selection Behaviour of ListBox
  • PR #812: Fixes WebComponent example
  • PR #833: Fix nested Portals
  • PR #837: Fix Mountpoint in Portals
  • PR #838: Fix some regression in DataCollection


Special thanks to @jillesvangurp for his amazing work on #789!


6 months ago


  • PR #790: Query parameters for GET
  • PR #808: Make ComponentValidationMessage a data class
  • PR #804: Removes portal stylings

Fixed Bugs

PR #806 - Proper management of Store Lifecycle (Jobs, Handlers and Flows)


Currently there is no real lifecycle-management for Jobs of Handlers and Stores. The initial idea was to hide those details from the user in order to make the API and overall user-experience as easy and pleasant as possible.

Sadly this was a bad idea - not only does it lead to memory leaks, but also to unexpected behaviour due "handledBy" invocations running endlessly. Imagine a delayed change of a store's data initiated by a handler which is no longer "visible", because the Mountpoint in which the handler was called was already destroyed. This is definitely a problem, as it contradicts the reliable reactive behaviour of fritz2.

That being said, especially the latter problem arises very seldomly, which is the reason why we encountered and subsequently adressed this problem so late on the final route to 1.0 version of fritz2.

Nevertheless we have to fix it, so here we go.


There is a need for an explicit lifecycle-management for all fritz2 elements which are related to reactive behaviour such as:

  • Stores
  • Handlers
  • (History - more or less for streamlining reasons. Appears rarely outside of a Store oder WithJob, so there are no behaviour changes)
  • (Router - just for streamlining reasons. Appears only once inside an application, so there are no behaviour changes)

Within a RenderContext, those elements should rely on the managed Job of their context to be finished, as the RenderContext gets dropped by any render*-function. This solves the memory leaks as well as the unexpected behaviour of a neverending local store or handledBy call.

Outside of any RenderContext or other receivers that offer some Job, the job-handling should be made explicit. Typically this applies for global stores that hold application states. Those elements are discrete and rather small in number and are intended to run for the whole lifecycle of an application, so there is no harm in creating new jobs for those cases.



Previously, RootStores created their own jobs which were never cancelled. With this PR, every store initialization needs a job: Job parameter.

class RootStore<D>(initialData: D, **job: Job**,  override val id: String =
fun <D> storeOf(initialData: D, **job: Job**, id: String =

Because the jobs within a RenderContext are already managed, we also added convenience functions which directly use the RenderContext-job if a store is created with the storeOf-factory:

// `WithJob` is a base interface of `RenderContext`
fun <D> WithJob.storeOf(initialData: D, job: Job = this.job, id: String =
//                                                 ^^^^^^^^
//                                                 the job is taken from its receiver context

Each store which is created outside of a WithJob-Scope or directly using the constructor needs a user managed Job. The user himself is responsible to take care of the job lifecycle and cancelling the job when it is not needed anymore. We suggest using the job of the surrounding RenderContext, because that one is always properly managed.

In real world applications, it is normal to have some globally defined Stores. Don't be afraid to simply create new Jobs for those without any "management" by yourself. Those stores are intended to run for as long as the application runs. So there is no need to stop or cancel them. Forever running jobs inside such global stores were a normal occurance before this PR and will remain so after this PR.

No more global handledBy

Previously, handledBy could be called everywhere. In a WithJob-context (e.g. a RenderContext), it used that job, otherwise it created a new job which was endlessly running within the application-lifecycle, which is what might have caused some unexpected side effects.

Now you can only run handledBy within

  1. WithJob-scope (a RenderContext implements WithJob)
  2. Within a RootStore-Instance

This ensures that the Job used inside of handledBy is always properly managed, which includes both cases:

  • it gets cancelled by reactive rendering changes
  • it runs forever because it is located inside a global Store which is intended to run forever

The 'handledBy'-functions within a RootStore are protected and can therefore only be used within the RootStore itself or in any derived custom store-implementation. A RootStore as receiver - e.g. using extension functions or apply/run - is not sufficient!

If you explicitely want to use the store-job outside the RootStore, you have to create an extension function with the WithJob receiver and call that function within the RootStore wrapped with the new runWithJob-function.


object MyStore : RootStore<String>("", Job()){
    init {
        runWithJob{ myFunction() }

fun WithJob.myFunction() {
    flowOf("ABC") handledBy MyStore.update

Alongside with this change, a handledBy-call will also be interrupted if:

  1. The store-job has been cancelled
  2. The consumer-job (job of the scope where handledBy was called) has been cancelled

Also, the store's data-Flow will be completed when the store-job has been cancelled to prevent further side effects of the store.

Improve Rendering

When using reactive rendering, e.g. using Flow<T>.render or Flow<T>.renderEach, the render-operation was previously never interrupted if a new flow-value was emitted. The render-operations where queued after each other. This behaviour has changed with this PR. When the Flow emits a new value, the current render-task will be interrupted and it will directly re-render the content with the latest value. This will improve performance.

In rare circumstances, this might also cause different behaviour. In our opinion this could only happen when the reactive rendering is abused for state handling outside of Stores, for example with mutating some var foo outside of the rendering block. Since we consider such implementations bad practise, we recommend to change these constructs.

Migration Guide


For all global Stores of an application, just add some newly created Job:

// previously
object MyApplicationStore : RootStore<AppState>(AppState(...)) {

// now
object MyApplicationStore : RootStore<AppState>(AppState(...), job = Job()) {

// previously
val storedAppState = storeOf(AppState())

// now
val storedAppState = storeOf(AppState(), job = Job())

If you encounter a compiler error due to missing job-parameter inside a RenderContext, please have a look at the last section about "Chasing Memory Leaks" where the dangers and solutions as explained in depth.

Global handledBy Calls

You simply have to move those calls inside some Store or some RenderContext - there is no standard solution which fits all situations. You have to decide for yourself where the data handling fits best.

If you have two stores and changes to one should also change the other, consider handleAndEmit as alternate approach or move the call to the dependent store (the one that holds the handler passed to handledBy).


The history-function without receiver has been removed. So you either have to move the history code inside some Store (which is the common and recommended approach) or you have to invoke the constructor manually:

// previously
val myHistory = history()

// now
object MyStore : RootStore<MyData>(MyData(), job = Job()) {
    val history = history()

// or if really needed outside a store:
val myHistory = History(0, emptyList(), Job())

If you really need to call the Router-constructors manually, you have to provide a Job now:

// previously
val router = Router(StringRoute(""))

// now
val router = Router(StringRoute(""), job = Job())

Consider using the routerOf-factories, they will create a Job automatically.

Chasing Memory Leaks

Besides the previously shown dedicated proposals for fixing compiler errors, we encourage you to scan your code for potential memory-issues we simply cannot prevent by our framework:

Imagine the creation of a Store inside a RenderContext where a new Job() is created:

// previously
fun RenderContext.renderSomething() = div {
    object MyApplicationStore : RootStore<AppState>(AppState(...)) {

// now - satisfies compiler but is wrong!
fun RenderContext.renderSomething() = div {
    object MyApplicationStore : RootStore<AppState>(AppState(...), job = Job()) {
    //                                                             ^^^^^^^^^^^
    //                                                             This fixes the compiler error, but in most cases
    //                                                             this is *wrong*. The job-object is never cancelled
    //                                                             -> memory leak!

// now - recommended approach
fun RenderContext.renderSomething() = div {
    object MyApplicationStore : RootStore<AppState>(AppState(...), job = [email protected]) {
    //                                                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    //                                                             Reuse job of the surrounding RenderContext
    //                                                             and you will be fine.

Last but not least: If you really want such a store to live forever, then refactor the code and define it as a global value.

There are variations of the pattern above which are even worse:

If you encounter any job-creation - thus manually created new Job()s - inside a looping-construct, this is very likely a mistake. Typical looping constructs appears inside renderEach or simple for-loops inside a render. Inside such loops, you should also strive to re-use the Job of the surrounding RenderContext.

For example, you should absolutely change code section like this one:

val storedCustomers = storeOf<List<Customer>>(emptyList(), job = Job())

fun RenderContext.renderCustomers() = section {
    storedCustomers.renderEach { customer ->
        val editStore = object : RootStore<Customer>(customer, job = Job()) {
        //                                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^
        //                                                     This is evil! A new job is created on every customer 
        //                                                     and every re-rendering from the outer store.
        //                                                     The jobs are never canceled -> memory leak!
        // render one customer somehow

You should change such a spot by reusing the RenderContext's job:

fun RenderContext.renderCustomers() = section {
    storedCustomers.renderEach { customer ->
        val editStore = object : RootStore<Customer>(customer, job = [email protected]) {
        //                                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        //                                                     This is good! The `job` is managed by `renderEach`
        //                                                     so it is cancelled on re-rendering and the objects
        //                                                     can be deleted by the garbage collector.
        // render one customer somehow

Keep in mind that the first shown example may reside inside a loop, from where the renderSomething-function gets called: in that case, there is also a leak inside a loop, which is even harder to encounter - so always consider the job-creation inside a RenderContext as code smell and bad practise.


Special thanks to @serras and @realqdbp for their effords and contributions to this release!


8 months ago


  • PR #794: Documentation - Fix and improve some mapping example

Fixed Bugs

  • PR #795: Fix beforeUnmount Crashes due to Job Cancellations
  • PR #797: Fix renderEach fast deleting Predecessors


8 months ago

Fixed Bugs

  • PR #793: Fix reactively nested beforeUnmount Calls


8 months ago

Fixed Bugs

  • PR #792: Semove setFocus from PopUpPanel


8 months ago


PR #783 / PR #788 - New utility render-functions for RenderContext

PR #783 and PR #788 add new utility render-functions inside RenderContext. @serras initially brought up the idea and implementations to reduce boilerplate code by adding some convenience render-functions for common UI-patterns.


Often only some specific state of the data model should be rendered, while for other states the UI artefact should disappear. Typical cases are nullable types, where only for the none null part something should be rendered. The following new functions are added to the fritz2's core to adress those cases.

Please regard: If you ever need to render some UI also for the other state-variants, then just refer to the standard render-function and use explicit case analysis like if-else or when expressions inside the render-block.

New Functions

The renderIf(predicate: (V) -> Boolean) function only renders the given content, when the given predicate returns true for the value inside the Flow<V>.

val store = storeOf<String>("foo")
render { {
        p { +it }

The renderNotNull() function only renders the given content, when the value inside the Flow<V?> is not null.

val store = storeOf<String?>(null)
render { {
        p { +it }

The renderIs(klass: KClass<W>) function only renders the given content, when the value inside the Flow<V> is a type of klass.

interface I
class A: I
class B: I

val store = storeOf<I>(A())
render { {
        p { +"A" }

PR #781: Migrate popper.js to Floating-UI and add Portalling

This PR adresses two closely related aspects within our headless components:

The first one is quite simple to explain: popper.js is outdated and therefor it makes sense to upgrade to the successor project. Floating-UI fits so much better than popper.js for fritz2 and our headless-components, as it is in fact by itself only a headless component. It offers functionality to calculate the position of some floating element, but it does no more render some styling by itself to the DOM. This obviously is great news for our implementations of popup-elements, as the integration removes some pain points and works much smoother together with fritz2's core mechanics!

For the user there are not much changes; the core approach to implement PopUpPanel as base for some floating brick, does not change. It is only about some properties that have different names and sometimes slightly different values. But we gain much more flexibility like the new concept of midlewares, that can be easily added by custom bricks. So in the end the user has more power to control and modify the floating element for his custom needs.

The other aspect of this PR adresses fundamental problems with overlayed elements in general (this includes the headless modals and toast on top of the PopupPanel based components): There will always be a chance for clipping errors, if the overlay is rendered close to the trigger, which often is kinda deep down inside the DOM hierarchy. Please read about in the description of the Floating-UI project.

That said, nothing will change on API level for this aspect. It is a pure implementation aspect, that has changed now: All headless-overlay components will now render their overlay-bricks inside the original target-node of the outer render-function, which acts as a portal-root. The trigger will create only some placeholder node into the DOM, whereas the real overlay content will be rendered inside the portal-root quite upside in the DOM. The placeholder acts as a portal to the final rendering place.

This is a common pattern and so we stick to the wording inside our code and name everything about it with portal prefix.

API-Breaking Remarks and Migration-Guide

Be aware that this PR might be API breaking for the headless package and the components, that implements the PopupPanel-class for some of their bricks. Also your own Implementation that relies on PopupPanel might break.

We do not consider this API breaking for the whole project, so we prefer to present this under the improvement aspect. We have no knowledge about users, using our headless-component yet, so obviously this will affect primarely ourselves.

There is one action needed to keep the headless components working: To use portalling you have to render the portalRoot manually in our your render {} Block like this:

fun main() {

    render {
        // custom content
        // ...
        portalRoot() // should be the last rendered element

After this patch, the Headless-Components listBox, menu, modal, popOver, toast and tooltip should be working again.

If you should against all expectations encounter a break, please simply refer to the updated list of properties within the headless documentation. This list and the following explanations should enable you to adapt to the new properties.

Further improvements

  • PR #785: Add binary compatibility validation

Fixed Bugs

  • PR #778: Fix link to Arrow docs


Special thanks to @serras for his effords and contributions to this release!


9 months ago


  • PR #776: Update everything for latest Kotlin 1.9.0 version


9 months ago

Fixed Bugs

  • PR #775: Fix a problem where a PopUpPanel's arrow would initially be visible regardless of the popup being hidden.