French Dictionary Save Abandoned

CSV files containing all french adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, determiners, nouns, prepositions, pronouns, verbs and their gender, types and conjugations

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DESCRIPTION CSV files containing all french adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, determiners, nouns, prepositions, pronouns, verbs and their gender, types and conjugations. This can be helpful for creating a spell and/or a grammar checker for french. The files are generated using kaikko's french machine-readable dictionary extracted directly from wiktionary ( You can find all the words in the csv files inside the dictionary folder. Those files can be directly loaded using pandas.

USAGE If you want to regenerate the dictionary files first make sure that you have all the required packages in the requirements.txt file. Then you can launch the following command:

python src/ [-h]
		--json_file_path JSON_FILE_PATH --saving_path SAVING_PATH

required arguments:
	--json_file_path JSON_FILE_PATH, -i JSON_FILE_PATH
					Path to the wiktionary json file

	--saving_path SAVING_PATH, -s SAVING_PATH
					Path to the folder that will contain the
					output csv files
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "French Dictionary" Project. README Source: hbenbel/French-Dictionary
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2 years ago

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