Fotowall Versions Save

Pictures collage & creativity tool


6 years ago

Final Release 1.0

This is the final release for Fotowall; after more than a million downloads (excluding the installs through Linux distros) and after having revolutionized the direct-manipulation graphic-composition when it came out in 2007, it's time for the last stretch of glory.

This release includes pre-built packages for Ubuntu Linux and Windows (Win 10 tested).

Fun feature note: Ubuntu users with a WebCam will enjoy the still-unrivaled Live Camera Item, with multi-views, live effects (perspective, reflections, mirroring, recoloring, blurring, ...), which is very eye-catching and still unmatched to this day by any other app 🥇 .

Fotowall "RETRO" 1.0 (2017-07-09):

  • Picture cropping [Rossana]
  • Exporters: vast improvements: high-quality PDF output, easy Printing
  • Wordcloud editor
  • Text: Color Triangle picker, and Shaking
  • Re-Arrange Contents
  • View perspective and rotation [Nicolas Brisset]
  • Port to Qt 5 - Andy Sardina
  • OS/2 fixes - Elbert Pol
  • Traditional Chinese Translation - Estea Chen / Fantix King
  • Arnaud's Undo/Redo system (not active yet)
  • Symbian and Mobile port (not that anyone uses it anymore :D) ...for the full log of commits, see

Thanks for using and loving the APP - we received 2000 direct comments that you wrote using the APP feedback system, and though we couldn't reply to many, we really loved reading and backing them up with code and sweat 😍

So long and thanks for all the Fotowalls!