FormHelper Save

ASP.NET Core - Transform server-side validations to client-side without writing any javascript code. (Compatible with Fluent Validation)

Project README

Form Helper

#1 Form Library for ASP.NET Core MVC

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Form & Validation Helper for ASP.NET Core MVC

Form Helper helps you to create ajax forms and validations without writing any javascript code. It transforms server-side validations to client-side. You can also use the form validator without ajax.

Compatible with Fluent Validation :white_check_mark:

(You can add client-side validation support to Fluent Validation.)

NuGet Nuget



FormHelper can be installed using the Nuget Package Manager or the dotnet CLI.

Package Manager:

Install-Package FormHelper

dotnet CLI:

dotnet add package FormHelper

This library works with jQuery


<!-- form helper - You don't need to add these files to your project, just add it. it's embeded! -->
<!-- if you dont't want to use these embeded files, you can download the files from dist folder -->
<!-- You can use formhelper.js/css instead of formhelper.min.js/css to debug. -->
<!-- The bundle file includes jQuery validation and jQuery validation unobtrusive -->

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/formhelper/formhelper.min.css" />
<script src="/formhelper/formhelper.bundle.min.js"></script>





With configuration: (optional)

services.AddControllersWithViews().AddFormHelper(options => {
    options.CheckTheFormFieldsMessage = "Your custom message...";
    options.RedirectDelay = 6000;
    options.EmbeddedFiles = true;
    options.ToastrDefaultPosition = ToastrPosition.TopFullWidth;


<!-- If you want to use embeded form helper files, add this line -->


@using FormHelper
@addTagHelper *, FormHelper

View: (TagHelper)

<form asp-formhelper="true" asp-controller="Home" asp-action="Save">
   // <input...
   // ...

// You can use <form asp-formhelper="true"> or <formhelper> to activate formhelper.
// Optional parameters:
// asp-callback="javascriptFunctionName", asp-beforeSubmit="javascriptFunctionName", asp-dataType="FormData/Json", asp-enableButtonAfterSuccess="false", asp-resetFormAfterSuccess="true" asp-toastrPosition="ToastrPosition.BottomRight"


public IActionResult Save(FormViewModel viewModel)

// If you use Json data type, you need to add [FromBody] attribute.
// public IActionResult Save([FromBody]FormViewModel viewModel)

Return a result from Controller:

Error Message:

return FormResult.CreateErrorResult("An error occured.");

Success Message:

return FormResult.CreateSuccessResult("Product saved.");

Success Message with Redirect:

return FormResult.CreateSuccessResult("Product saved. Please wait...", Url.Action("Home", "Index"));

Success Message with Redirect and Delay Time:

return FormResult.CreateSuccessResult("Product saved. Please wait...", Url.Action("Home", "Index"), 10000); // 10 seconds

Fill the form fields from a json object:


Reset form and clear error messages:




fhToastr.success("Text here");


fhToastr.warning("Text here");


fhToastr.information("Text here");


fhToastr.error("Text here");
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "FormHelper" Project. README Source: sinanbozkus/FormHelper