Fonduer Versions Save

A knowledge base construction engine for richly formatted data


2 years ago

0.9.0 - 2021-06-22

This is a long-awaited release with some performance improvements and some breaking changes. See the changelog for details.



  • @HiromuHota: Renamed VisualLinker to PdfVisualParser, which assumes the followings: (#518)

    • pdf_path should be a directory path, where PDF files exist, and cannot be a file path.
    • The PDF file should have the same basename (os.path.basename) as the document. E.g., the PDF file should be either "123.pdf" or "123.PDF" for "123.html".
  • @HiromuHota: Changed Parser's signature as follows: (#518)

    • Renamed vizlink to visual_parser.
    • Removed pdf_path. Now this is required only by PdfVisualParser.
    • Removed visual. Provide visual_parser if visual information is to be parsed.
  • @YasushiMiyata: Changed UDFRunner's and UDF's data commit process as follows: (#545)

    • Removed add process on single-thread in _apply in UDFRunner.
    • Added UDFRunner._add of y on multi-threads to Parser, Labeler and Featurizer.
    • Removed y of document parsed result from out_queue in UDF.



3 years ago

0.8.3 - 2020-09-11

This is a big release with a lot of changes. These changes are summarized here. Check the Changelog for more details.



  • @YasushiMiyata: Enable RegexMatchSpan with concatenates words by sep="(separator)" option. (#270) (#492)
  • @HiromuHota: Enabled "Type hints (PEP 484) support for the Sphinx autodoc extension." (#421)
  • @HiromuHota: Switched the Cython wrapper for Mecab from mecab-python3 to fugashi. Since the Japanese tokenizer remains the same, there should be no impact on users. (#384) (#432)
  • @HiromuHota: Log a stack trace on parsing error for better debug experience. (#478) (#479)
  • @HiromuHota: get_cell_ngrams and get_neighbor_cell_ngrams yield nothing when the mention is not tabular. (#471) (#504)



  • @senwu: Fix pdf_path cannot be without a trailing slash. (#442) (#459)
  • @kaikun213: Fix bug in table range difference calculations. (#420)
  • @HiromuHota: mention_extractor.apply with clear=True now works even if it's not the first run. (#424)
  • @HiromuHota: Fix get_horz_ngrams and get_vert_ngrams so that they work even when the input mention is not tabular. (#425) (#426)
  • @HiromuHota: Fix the order of args to Bbox. (#443) (#444)
  • @HiromuHota: Fix the non-deterministic behavior in VisualLinker. (#412) (#458)
  • @HiromuHota: Fix an issue that the progress bar shows no progress on preprocessing by executing preprocessing and parsing in parallel. (#439)
  • @HiromuHota: Adopt to mlflow>=1.9.0. (#461) (#463)
  • @HiromuHota: Correct the entity type for NumberMatcher from "NUMBER" to "CARDINAL". (#473) (#477)
  • @HiromuHota: Fix _get_axis_ngrams not to return None when the input is not tabular. (#481)
  • @HiromuHota: Fix Visualizer.display_candidates not to draw rectangles on wrong pages. (#488)
  • @HiromuHota: Persist doc only when no error happens during parsing. (#489) (#490)


4 years ago

0.8.2 - 2020-04-28

A summary of the changes of this release are below. Check the Changelog for more details.


  • @HiromuHota: Use of undecorated labeling functions is deprecated and will not be supported as of v0.9.0. Please decorate them with snorkel.labeling.labeling_function.


  • @HiromuHota: Labeling functions can now be decorated with snorkel.labeling.labeling_function. (#400 <>) (#401 <>)


4 years ago

0.8.1 - 2020-04-13

A summary of the changes of this release are below. Check the Changelog for more details.

Fonduer has a new mode argument to support switching between different learning modes (e.g., STL or MLT).

Click to see example usage
# Create task for each relation.
tasks = create_task(
    task_names = TASK_NAMES,
    n_arities = N_ARITIES,
    n_features = N_FEATURES,
    n_classes = N_CLASSES,
    emb_layer = EMB_LAYER,
    mode = MODE,


  • @senwu: Add mode argument in create_task to support STL and MTL.


4 years ago

0.8.0 - 2020-04-07

A summary of the changes of this release are below. Check the Changelog for more details.

Rather than maintaining a separate learning engine, we switch to Emmental, a deep learning framework for multi-task learning. Switching to a more general learning framework allows Fonduer to support more applications and multi-task learning.

Click to see example usage
# With Emmental, you need do following steps to perform learning:
# 1. Create task for each relations and EmmentalModel to learn those tasks.
# 2. Wrap candidates into EmmentalDataLoader for training.
# 3. Training and inference (prediction).

import emmental

# Collect word counter from candidates which is used in LSTM model.
word_counter = collect_word_counter(train_cands)

# Initialize Emmental. For customize Emmental, please check here:

# 1. Create task for each relations and EmmentalModel to learn those tasks.

# Generate special tokens which are used for LSTM model to locate mentions.
# In LSTM model, we pad sentence with special tokens to help LSTM to learn
# those mentions. Example:
# Original sentence: Then Barack married Michelle.
# ->  Then ~~[[1 Barack 1]]~~ married ~~[[2 Michelle 2]]~~.
arity = 2
special_tokens = []
for i in range(arity):
    special_tokens += [f"~~[[{i}", f"{i}]]~~"]

# Generate word embedding module for LSTM.
emb_layer = EmbeddingModule(
    word_counter=word_counter, word_dim=300, specials=special_tokens

# Create task for each relation.
tasks = create_task(

# Create Emmental model to learn the tasks.
model = EmmentalModel(name=f"{ATTRIBUTE}_task")

# Add tasks into model
for task in tasks:

# 2. Wrap candidates into EmmentalDataLoader for training.

# Here we only use the samples that have labels, which we filter out the
# samples that don't have significant marginals.
diffs = train_marginals.max(axis=1) - train_marginals.min(axis=1)
train_idxs = np.where(diffs > 1e-6)[0]

# Create a dataloader with weakly supervisied samples to learn the model.
train_dataloader = EmmentalDataLoader(
    task_to_label_dict={ATTRIBUTE: "labels"},

# Create test dataloader to do prediction.
# Build test dataloader
test_dataloader = EmmentalDataLoader(
    task_to_label_dict={ATTRIBUTE: "labels"},
        ATTRIBUTE, test_cands[0], F_test[0], emb_layer.word2id, 2

# 3. Training and inference (prediction).

# Learning those tasks.
emmental_learner = EmmentalLearner()
emmental_learner.learn(model, [train_dataloader])

# Predict based the learned model.
test_preds = model.predict(test_dataloader, return_preds=True)


  • @senwu: Switch to Emmental as the default learning engine.
  • @HiromuHota: Change ABSTAIN to -1 to be compatible with Snorkel of 0.9.X. Accordingly, user-defined labels should now be 0-indexed (used to be 1-indexed). (#310) (#320)
  • @HiromuHota: Use executemany_mode="batch" instead of deprecated use_batch_mode=True. (#358)
  • @HiromuHota: Use tqdm.notebook.tqdm instead of deprecated tqdm.tqdm_notebook. (#360)
  • @HiromuHota: To support ImageMagick7, expand the version range of Wand. (#373)
  • @HiromuHota: Comply with PEP 561 for type-checking codes that use Fonduer.
  • @HiromuHota: Make UDF.apply of all child classes unaware of the database backend, meaning PostgreSQL is not required if UDF.apply is directly used instead of UDFRunner.apply. (#316) (#368)


  • @senwu: Fix mention extraction to return mention classes instead of data model classes.