Flutter Local Notifications Versions Save

A Flutter plugin for displaying local notifications on Android, iOS, macOS and Linux


11 months ago
  • Breaking change removed deprecated schedule, showDailyAtTime and showWeeklyAtDayAndTime methods. Notifications that were scheduled prior to this release should still work
  • Breaking change removed Time class
  • [Android] updated tags used when writing error logs. For corrupt scheduled notifications and error is logged the tag is now ScheduledNotifReceiver instead of ScheduledNotifReceiver. When logging that exact alarm permissions have been revoked the the tag is now FLTLocalNotifPlugin instead of notification
  • [iOS][macOS] Breaking change added supported for banner and list presentation options for iOS and macOS that is applicable for iOS 14.0 or newer and macOS 11 or newer. This is a breaking change as the values default to true and the alert presentation option is no longer applicable on these OS versions as Apple has deprecated it to be replaced by the banner and list presentations. Please ensure that if you target these OS versions that you configure the options appropriately for your application.
  • Updated API documentation related to the iOS/macOS notification presentation options to include links to Apple's documentations to show what they correspond to


1 year ago
  • Fixed typo in API docs for the deprecated showDailyAtTime() method. Thanks to the PR from Yuichiro Kawano
  • [Android] removed a call to standard output via System.out.println()


1 year ago
  • [Android] added alarmClock as one of the AndroidScheduleMode options. This is useful for cases where a notification functions as an alarm and may show an alarm icon on the status bar depending on the device Thanks to the PR from Muhammed Ballan


1 year ago
  • [Android] fixed issue 1991 where tapping on a notification action with showUserInterface set to true whilst app is terminated wouldn't dismiss/cancel notification
  • [Android] updated logic when trying to show a scheduled notification so that receiver would remove a corrupt notification to avoid exceptions from occurring over and over again. An message will be written to error log when this occurs as well. Thanks to the PR from []
  • Fixed example app on iOS and macOS so it would play the custom sound as this step was missed in previous released where the iOS and macOS side was recreated


1 year ago
  • Bumped maximum Dart SDK constraint
  • Recreated iOS and macOS side of the example app so they would build and run with Flutter 3.10 having landed on stable channel


1 year ago
  • Updated cavaet on scheduling Android notifications where a link to https://dontkillmyapp.com has been added as it contains instructions on how to configure various devices to bypass the battery optimisations that prevent background processes from working e.g. scheduled notifications
  • Added missing note to the 14.0.0 release notes on a breaking change the AndroidFlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin APIs around scheduling notifications where the allowWhileIdle has been removed and replaced by a scheduleMode parameter that allows for scheduling inexact notifications
  • Updated docs to explain that if a notification was scheduled on Android with exact timing via the AndroidScheduleMode enum but the exact alarm permissions had been revoked, an error log message will be written and notification will no longer be scheduled. This means recurring notifications would no longer be scheduled as well given the permission had been revoked


1 year ago
  • Breaking change the id property of the ActiveNotification class is now nullable to help indicate that the notification may not have been created by the plugin e.g. it was from Firebase Cloud Messaging. Thanks to the PR from frankvollebregt
  • Breaking change the following classes are now enums
    • AndroidNotificationCategory
    • AndroidServiceForegroundType
    • AndroidServiceStartType
    • AudioAttributesUsage
    • Day
    • InterruptionLevel
    • LinuxNotificationCategory
    • LinuxNotificationUrgency
    • Priority
  • [Android] added support for scheduling inexact notifications. The corresponding APIs for scheduling notifications now have a new AndroidScheduleMode to allow for configuring this if required. The androidAllowWhileIdle argument is now deprecated when using the APIs available for scheduling notifications via the FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin APIs and will be removed in the future. Thanks to the PR from Joachim Böhmer. Note that if if a notification was scheduled with exact timing via the AndroidScheduleMode but the exact alarm permissions had been revoked, an error log message will be written and notification will no longer be scheduled. Do note that the androidScheduleMode parameter has a default value of AndroidScheduleMode.exact to align with what was the default value of androidAllowWhileIdle before (i.e. false) where that meant exact timing was to be used but the device being a low-powered idle may cause it to be delayed. When the androidAllowWhileIdle parameter is removed in the future, androidScheduleMode will become a required named parameter to ensure developers explicitly specify the value they want
    • [Android] Breaking change related to this is whilst androidAllowWhileIdle is deprecated via the FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin APIs, allowWhileIdle has been removed and completely replaced by a scheduleMode parameter when whe directly using the AndroidFlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin APIs
  • [Android] adds a namespace for compatibility with AGP (Android Gradle plugin) 8.0. Thanks to the PR from asaarnak
  • [iOS][macOS] fixed issue 1950 where plugin would crash when calling zonedSchedule() with a date/time value that is exactly when daylight savings occurs and the APIs from Apple weren't able to resolve what the actual date/time is meant to be
  • [Android] updated AndroidServiceForegroundType values to align with new additions that are part of Android 14. Thanks to the PR from Rexios
  • [macOS] fixed issue 1858 where macOS app builds were showing deprecation warnings. Thanks to the PR from Steve Kohls
  • Bumped mockito dev dependency
  • Align Dart SDK constraint with minimum Flutter version (i.e. 3.0)
  • Fixed readme that was reference old classes with IOS as part of the name instead of the newer classes that have the Darwin prefix
  • Removed dead link that had archived official documentation around guidance on creating the appropriate Android icons that would help with creating notification icons. Now replaced with a link to using Image Asset Studio to create notification icons


1 year ago
  • [macOS] fixed issue 1858 where macOS app builds were showing deprecation warnings. Thanks to the PR from Steve Kohls


1 year ago
  • Breaking change the following classes are now enums
    • AndroidNotificationCategory
    • AndroidServiceForegroundType
    • AndroidServiceStartType
    • AudioAttributesUsage
    • Day
    • InterruptionLevel
    • LinuxNotificationCategory
    • LinuxNotificationUrgency
    • Priority
  • [iOS][macOS] fixed issue 1950 where plugin would crash when calling zonedSchedule() with a date/time value that is exactly when daylight savings occurs and the APIs from Apple weren't able to resolve what the actual date/time is meant to be
  • [Android] updated AndroidServiceForegroundType values to align with new additions that are part of Android 14. Thanks to the PR from Rexios
  • Aligned Dart SDK constraint with minimum Flutter version (i.e. 3.0)
  • Bumped mockito dev dependency


1 year ago
  • Breaking change the id property of the ActiveNotification class is now nullable to help indicate that the notification may not have been created by the plugin e.g. it was from Firebase Cloud Messaging. Thanks to the PR from frankvollebregt