Fluentassertions.analyzers Versions Save

Analyzers based on the FluentAssertions best practices docs


6 years ago

Compared to 0.6.0, the following has changed.

{Improvement} added support for - #12 (thanks @jnyrup for reporting)


6 years ago

Compared to 0.5.1, the following has changed.

  • {Improvement} improved the algorithm of analyzing expressions - #16
  • {Fixed} fixed the analyzer wrongfully reporting Count method with a predicate and - #11 (thanks @jnyrup for reporting)
  • {Fixed} fixed the algorithm of analyzing expressions throwing exception when assertion contains multiple calls to a method with the same name with arguments - #10 (thanks @jnyrup for reporting)
  • {Fixed} fixed the algorithm of analyzing expressions reporting when the assertion statement accesses properties and continues the assertion - #13 (thanks @jnyrup for reporting)


6 years ago

Compared to 0.5.0, the following has changed.

  • {New} added support for expression-bodied methods - #15 (thanks @jnyrup for reporting #14)


6 years ago
  • {Feature} - added support for Dictionaries


6 years ago

Compared to 0.3.0, the following has changed.

  • {Feature} Replacing part of assertion - #5


6 years ago

the following scenarios are supported - collections