Fluentassertions.analyzers Versions Save

Analyzers based on the FluentAssertions best practices docs


5 years ago

Compared to 0.11.2, the following has changed.

{FIXED} - CollectionShouldHaveElementAtCodeFix throws exception - #66 (thanks @jnyrup for reporting) {FIXED} - DictionaryShouldContainsKey is triggered on custom ContainsKey - #65 (thanks @jnyrup for reporting) {FIXED} - CollectionShouldNotContainProperty is too aggresive - #64 (thanks @jnyrup for reporting) {FIXED} - CollectionShouldOnlyHaveUniqueItemsByComparer gives invalid code - #63 (thanks @jnyrup for reporting)


5 years ago

Compared to 0.11.1, the following has changed.

fixed the nupkg


5 years ago

Compared to 0.11.0, the following has changed.

{FIXED} - Null reference exception - #58 (thanks @samcragg for reporting and fixing 👍 )


5 years ago

Compared to 0.10.3, the following has changed.

{NEW} support for exceptions assertions - #31


5 years ago

Compared to 0.10.2, the following has changed.

{FIXED} - System.Console.WriteLine() should not throw an exception - #49 (thanks @ErikSchierboom for reporting and fixing 👍 )


5 years ago

Compared to 0.10.1, the following has changed.

{FIXED} - Dictionary access incorrectly triggers CollectionShouldHaveElementAt suggestion - #45 (thanks @samcragg for reporting and fixing 👍 )


5 years ago

Compared to 0.10.0, the following has changed.

{FIXED} - Expression bodied function crashes analyzers - #41 (thanks @memark for reporting)


6 years ago

Compared to 0.9.0, the following has changed.

{NEW} support for comparable assertions - #20


6 years ago

Compared to 0.8.0, the following has changed.

{New} support for string assertions - #19


6 years ago

Compared to 0.7.0, the following has changed.

{Improvement} added support for - #21 (thanks @krajek for reporting)