Flood Mobile Versions Save

GSoC 21' @CCExtractor. A modern mobile UI for various torrent clients with a Node.js backend and Flutter frontend.


8 months ago
  1. Implemented theme persistence across the entire app.
  2. Transitioned from Providers to bloc state management.
  3. Enhanced unit and widget testing after bloc implementation.
  4. Implemented multiple language support (20+ languages).
  5. Introduced customizable user interface options under settings.
  6. Integrated power management features under settings.
  7. Enhanced notification support.
  8. Implemented sorting options by Added Date, File Size, Percent Download, etc., on the home screen.
  9. Updated app codebase to the latest Flutter version (3.13.1).
  10. Restructured file architecture and enhanced code readability.
  11. Addressed minor issues and apply other fixes.


1 year ago
  1. Added multiple select torrent features for play, pause, delete, and set tags.
  2. Added circular theme change animation.
  3. Implemented size of trackers and tags on filter torrent menu.
  4. Added set tags, select tags, and filter by tags functionality for torrents.
  5. Added snackbar support for multiple functions.
  6. Implemented graph that represents upload and download speed.
  7. Enhanced the light theme by fixing theme change issues.
  8. Added multiple format video and audio in the video stream screen.
  9. Fixed overflow issues in multiple places.
  10. Added validation on multiple forms.
  11. Added list-all-users and delete a user (if admin) feature in the settings page.
  12. Increased app test coverage (more stable version as tested before each change).
  13. Other minor fixes.


1 year ago
  1. Added filter torrent based on status/trackers feature.
  2. Added RSS-Feed feature.
  3. improved torrent file-handling functionality (add a torrent by selecting a torrent file from any location in the device).
  4. Improved add torrent functionality (better user experience).
  5. Added notification action support (manage/know the status of current torrents and have the ease of play/pause the download from notification without opening the app.
  6. Added onboarding screen and action required custom dialog (get to know about the app capabilities).
  7. Increased app test coverage (more stable version as tested before each changes)
  8. Added snackbar support on functions such as delete torrents etc.
  9. Added Light/Dark Mode support.


2 years ago
  1. Added notification support
  2. Added ability to check for torrent hash
  3. New about flood page
  4. Option in the settings panel to set the speed limit
  5. Improved SSE communication package


2 years ago

Alpha Pre Release 🚀:

  1. Add/Delete and Manage torrent
  2. Manage downloading torrent
  3. Set priority to torrent content
  4. Stream mp4 torrent files
  5. Manage client settings
  6. Create and manage flood users