Flax Lang Flax Versions Save

general purpose programming language, in the vein of C++


3 years ago

No new features, possibly some regressions. Changes:

  1. Update to LLVM 11.
  2. Refactor the scope system, as promised. It should be a lot less fragile now


4 years ago

Mainly a release to fix the CI builds, but we have one new feature; the compile-time interpreter will now refuse to call out to external functions via FFI by default, unless --ffi-escape is passed on the command line.

This is kinda similar to --shell-escape used in LaTeX.


4 years ago
  1. Overriding methods now check for a compatible method (in name and signature) in the base class hierarchy, and will error if none is found

  2. Method "compatibility" has been expanded to include covariant return types and contravariant parameter types. Note that this applies only to pointer-to-class types, and not value-of-class types.


4 years ago
  1. Fix instances where typechecking would not terminate when dealing with classes in some hierarchy
  2. Miscellaneous IRBuilder fixes
  3. Constructor arguments are now in scope in the superclass call, eg. this is now possible:
class Foo : Bar
    init(x: int, y: int) : super(x * y) { ... }
  1. Fix issues where methods could not be called on rvalues, eg. Foo().bar(...)
  2. Fix dumb issue where omitting optional arguments would hard crash the compiler


4 years ago

Binaries and headers are licensed under their respective licenses.

  • Updated for LLVM 7 on 24/03/19
  • Updated to include libffi on 21/06/19
  • Updated for LLVM 9.0.0 on 18/10/19
  • Updated for LLVM 11.0.0 on 01/12/20 (old versions added for posterity)


4 years ago
  1. exports and imports can now refer to paths, eg. import foo::bar will look for foo/bar.flx. Exporting a path will simply place the (public) contents of the file into a namespace with the same name. Bits of the new std library use this, for example class map is in map.flx, but it exports std -- meaning the definition of map will live in std::. Note that importing a string literal is still supported, but they no longer add the extension if missing -- you would need to import "foo/bar.flx"!

  2. Identifier paths (eg foo::bar) can now start with :: to refer to the root scope, and include ^ to refer to the parent scope. For example:

fn main()
    let foo = 10
    do {
        let foo = 20
        libc::printf("^::foo = %d!\n", ^::foo) // prints 10!
  1. Implicit method calls (ie. calling a method without doing self.method(...)) work again

  2. Floating point values can now be compared with each other (oops)


4 years ago

Flip the declaration of ffi-as, because external names might have strange characters (like spaces! or $ or @ or whatever) that are not valid in Flax identifiers. Made more sense to have the Flax-visible name as part of the actual declaration.

Also, made the external name a string literal, for the reasons stated above.


4 years ago

More QoL changes:

  1. imports can now either be private (the default), or public. Private imports are the old behaviour (I think -- I can't remember if we successfully removed re-exporting previously), where whatever the module imports is not transitively exported to other modules that import it. The reverse is true of public imports.

Given the following:

export foo
public fn foo() { }

// ...

export bar
public import "foo"

// ...

export baz
private import "foo" // you'll actually get a warning that it's redundant
fn main()
    // foo::foo is visible from bar, as bar::foo::foo()

    // foo is not visible from baz!
    // baz::foo::foo()
  1. Declare foreign functions (ffi) as something -- these alias names participate in overloading (and the 'real' names are no longer visible). Particularly useful for a certain someone:
export gl
public ffi fn glVertex2i(x: int, y: int) as vertex
public ffi fn glVertex2f(x: float, y: float) as vertex
public ffi fn glVertex2d(x: double, y: double) as vertex
public ffi fn glVertex3i(x: int, y: int, z: int) as vertex
public ffi fn glVertex3f(x: float, y: float, z: float) as vertex
public ffi fn glVertex3d(x: double, y: double, z: double) as vertex

// ...
import "gl"
gl::vertex(1, 1) // calls glVertex2i
gl::vertex(1.0, 1.0, 0.5) // calls glVertex3d


4 years ago

Oops, fixed a bug where the first branch of an #if had scoping issues where the declarations were not correctly placed at the top-level scope.

Also, there are obvious security implications for being able to #run arbitrary code at compile-time, eg. #run system("rm -rf /*") (thanks, sim642), especially from an imported library.

We'll probably disable calling out to external functions during compile time, or have some way to change that (flag, or directive on imports, or something).


4 years ago

Fixes an issue detailed in the previous release (0.41.0):

Optional arguments in a variadic function must be specified somewhere in the argument list, to prevent the variadic arguments from being "stolen" by the positional parameter (then you get an error about how you must pass the optional argument by name, even though that wasn't your intention). For example, this:

fn qux(x: str, y: int = 3, args: [str: ...]) { ... }

Will result in this error:

error: optional argument 'y' must be passed by name                                                                      
at:    ultratiny.flx:28:26                                                                                               
28 |    qux("hello, world!", "hi", "my", "name", "is", "bob", "ross")                                                    
   |                         ‾‾‾‾

Now, the example above will work "intuitively"; the strings (starting from "hi") will be passed as varargs to the function, and y will have the default value of 3.

Note that this means if the intention was to pass a value to y (but you forgot the name), like this: foo("bla", 7, "a", "bunch", "of", "strings"), the error will now be the failure in casting 7 to str, because we presume you wanted to pass 7 as a vararg.

We can't have it both ways, but I feel like the new behaviour will be the more helpful error in the majority of cases.