Fixdows Versions Save

A tool written in C# and Batch to repair common issues among Windows computers.


3 years ago

This is a Major release. Please check the 1.1.2 release notes to see what I changed in 1.1.2.

I want to start this release note out with a massive thank you. Fixdows suddenly went from 69 downloads to over 420 downloads in a single day. Nice. Thank you everyone who discovered Fixdows and shared it around. You mean a LOT to me. After this, I will work a lot on Fixdows. Ok, time to talk about what I've changed.


  • A ton of code cleanup

I discovered that well, I suck at C#. I've fixed it mostly. That means better performance ?

  • Added Documentation

For potential developers, bug discoverers, users and more, you now have documentation.

  • Removed tab nav png

Not neccesary.

  • Redesigned About page a bit

it looks less cluttered now.

  • Added a temporary files cleaner

Thank you to Akisblack for this suggestion. Disk Cleanup does clean temporary files in the TEMP folder, but it doesn't do it's job that well. The Disk Cleanup tab in Fixdows now runs Disk Cleanup and a script that deletes everything in Temp.

Any issues found? Ideas? Interested in helping out?

You can! The entire project is open source, and I could definitely use some help. You're on GitHub right now, you can make an issue if you have any feedback or a bug report, and if you plan on coding, fork it, pull it, push it. then make a Pull Request and I'll review it.


3 years ago

This is a Patch release. Please check the 1.1.1 release notes for what I changed in 1.1.1.


  • Moved update code to the Update UI process
    • This might make it faster? It's not multi-threaded so it'll still be slow (I'll refactor the code sometime)
  • Removed absolutely all Terrific Tea Studios references
    • This time, I actually did it. Holy crap. They've also been obliterated, but I don't want to talk about it.
  • Fixed internal issue where if the version number is higher than upstream it'll download the upstream release
    • You probably don't need to worry about this.
  • Removed Discord server
    • Neutron was also killed. RIP, didn't even last a year.
  • Removed Herobrine

Enjoy the release.

Any issues found? Ideas? Interested in helping out?

You can! The entire project is open source, and I could definitely use some help. You're on GitHub right now, you can make an issue if you have any feedback or a bug report, and if you plan on coding, fork it, pull it, push it. then make a Pull Request and I'll review it.


3 years ago

This is a Bug Fix release. Please check the 1.1 release notes for what I changed in 1.1.


  • Bumped version number in About Fixdows
  • I forgot to do that! Sorry. I'll see if I can automate this process later.

Enjoy the release.


3 years ago

Finally, 1.1 is out.

I'll be honest, I was working on other things. I got the motivation to work on Fixdows again, thanks to winter break. Here's the release notes:


  • Added a Windows Store Reset tool
    • Issues installing something from Microsoft Store? Try this!
    • After a month of procrastination, hopefully it would have been worth the wait.
    • My code is relatively bad, so please, report bugs ASAP.
  • Added an installer
    • This is also being used for the updater because apparently I need to update to .NET 5 to overwrite files when I'm unzipping something. This is stupid, so why not just use the innosetup? I could go with an extremely hacky method, or just delete EVERYTHING in a directory, however, this is ridiculously stupid, especially when this launches with Admin rights.
  • Removed all references to Terrific Tea Studios
  • Probably some more that I've forgot

Any issues found? Ideas? Interested in helping out?

You can! The entire project is open source, and I could definitely use some help. You're on GitHub right now, you can make an issue if you have any feedback or a bug report (or you could join the above mentioned Discord), and if you plan on coding, fork it, pull it, push it. then make a pullrequest and i'll review it.



3 years ago

Note: The update function will come in 1.1 instead. I haven't planned it well and I am about as impatient as you are (If you haven't heard of Fixdows before, welcome, ignore this, you haven't missed out on anything at all.)


Improved building and DevOps

  • Made build process automatically move the assets folder instead of the user having to do this manually
  • Added TypoCI to fix typos on files

Fixed potential bugs

  • Improved "Fix this" button code by making it always run the file as admin and make it more optimized 16b9ed44da9bce4ec94e10a53ba5846c4eb23b7e

Added "Resources" tab

  • This lets you find cool useful apps that can help you.

Home tab improvements

  • Centred the "tab nav" screenshot and changed it with a higher-res screenshot that doesn't have debug tools in it 877e6cbb0af87358eab5c0ca4e403ac3b55ac915

Probably more that I forgot

  • You can look here to look at development progress.

1.1 will also have an installer. Anyway, enjoy.