FIt SNE Versions Save

Fast Fourier Transform-accelerated Interpolation-based t-SNE (FIt-SNE)


4 years ago

Fixed bugs that prevented v1.2.0 from compiling on Windows.


4 years ago

Several changes to default FIt-SNE settings to make it more suitable for embedding large datasets. See this recent paper by Dmitry Kobak and Philipp Berens for more details.

Major changes to default values: -Learning rate increased from the fixed value of 200 to max(200, N/early_exag_coeff). -Iteration number decreased from 1000 to 750. -Initialization is set to PCA (computed via fast SVD implementations like ARPACK).

Minor changes: -Late exaggeration start is set to the end of early exaggeration (if late exaggeration coefficient is provided). -Limiting max step size to 5 (solves problem encountered when learning rate set too high and attractive forces cause a small number of points to overshoot)


5 years ago
  • Decreasing the degree of freedom (df) of the t-distribution reveals fine structure that is not visible in standard t-SNE. This PR adds a df parameter for that purpose. Preprint will be forthcoming.
  • Added documentation to Python and R wrappers
  • Added License
  • Binary checks if the wrapper version matches the binary version


5 years ago

First stable release (i.e. future changes will be integrated into releases and the versioning will follow the semantic versioning guidelines).

Also, including a binary for Windows users. Mac/Linux can compile with a single command, as described in the README.