FireMarshal Versions Save

Software workload management tool for RISC-V based SoC research. This is the default workload management tool for Chipyard and FireSim.


2 years ago

This maintenance release mostly fixes bugs and improves some under-the-covers behaviors.


2 years ago

This release coordinates with Chipyard v1.4.0 and includes several board-related features, improving customizability of the hard-coded base components. Another important change to note is the inclusion of an updated default icenet driver that requires a recent version of that device in RocketChip (see details below). Finally, the Fedora distribution has been updated to a more recent version.


2 years ago

This is a fairly small release that adds initial support for a chip tapeout prototyping board, yaml support, and a few improvements to the buildroot distro options. This release coordinates with Chipyard release 1.5.0.


3 years ago

The biggest change in this release is the introduction of OpenSBI as the default firmware. BBL is still supported, but no longer the default. Other changes include a number of performance improvements, better support for user-provided kernel modules, and various bug fixes.

See for details


3 years ago

This is largely a maintenance release with a few minor features and a bunch of bug fixes. The most significant change is a bump to Linux 5.7rc3. The new 'firesim-dir' configuration option is also signficant because it enables more flexible deployment of FireMarshal in Chipyard and FireSim and is required for Chipyard 1.3.0.

See for details