Fettle Versions Save

An experimental mutation testing tool for C# code :bug::mag:


4 years ago

✨ In the config file, you can now add exclude filters to the sourceFileFilters option for more control over which source files are mutated (#68). See the wiki for an example.

Available on NuGet here: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Fettle.Console/0.7.0


4 years ago

:sparkles: In the config file, you can now tell Fettle which projects to mutate by a file path / glob pattern, instead of just the project name.

Available on NuGet here: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Fettle.Console/0.6.0


5 years ago

:bug: Fixes crash on start-up when the Fettle config file references a .sln file via the filename only (#64)

Available on NuGet here: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Fettle.Console/0.5.2


5 years ago

🐛 Correctly support mutation of code within structs (#62) Previously Fettle would crash if it tried to analyse the coverage of code within structs. And if you turned coverage analysis off, it would not attempt to mutate any code defined within structs. As of this release, Fettle correctly analyses and mutates code defined within structs without crashing.

✨ Support mutation of the null-coalescing (??) operator (#60) Fettle will now swap the expressions around when it encounters a ?? operator. E.g. a ?? b is mutated to b ?? a

Available on NuGet here: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Fettle.Console/0.5.1


5 years ago

This release contains two new features:

  • ✨ You can now tell Fettle to use a custom command to run tests. This means you can use other test frameworks with Fettle for the first time (as long as they can run tests from the command line).

  • 🔊 Added a --verbose command-line option which produces more output. It's designed to help understand what's going on under-the-hood when tracking down issues.

Available on NuGet here: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Fettle.Console/0.5.0


5 years ago
  • :bug: Fixed: some cases within tests that use TestCaseSource weren't run (#50)

Available on NuGet here: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Fettle.Console/0.4.1


5 years ago


  • Save lots of time by making Fettle only mutate files you've changed/added recently via the --modificationsonly command-line argument. More info here, note that this requires your code to be within a git repository (#13).

  • New mutation: mathematical assignment operators (+=, -=, *=, /=, %=) (#43)

  • When a project's failing tests prevent coverage analysis from being carried out, Fettle will now output detailed information about them to the console (#42)


  • Fixed issue where code within less common types of properties and methods were not mutated (constructors, destructors, operators, indexers and events) (#41)

  • Reduced memory consumption somewhat during coverage analysis.

Available on NuGet here: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Fettle.Console/0.4.0


5 years ago

This release fixes two crash bugs that occurred during coverage analysis:

  • Fixed: crash when encountering a property which has a setter but no getter (#37)
  • Fixed: crash when encountering an auto property which exists within a subclass (#38)

Available on NuGet here: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Fettle.Console/0.3.2


5 years ago

This release adds a more helpful/friendly message when the Fettle config file is not valid. (This functionality was implemented originally but was hidden by bug #35).

Available on NuGet here: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Fettle.Console/0.3.1


5 years ago

Available on NuGet here: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Fettle.Console/0.3.0