Express Boilerplate Save

ExpressJS boilerplate with Socket.IO, Mongoose for scalable projects.

Project README

Express Boilerplate

ExpressJS boilerplate with Socket.IO, Mongoose for scalable projects.


Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


[email protected] or higher


A step by step series that will tell you how to get a development env running

$ git clone
$ cd express-boilerplate
$ npm ci

Useful Scripts

Script Description
npm run dev Starts development server at localhost:8443 and socket server at localhost:3002
npm start Starts production server at localhost:8443 and socket server at localhost:3002
npm run lint Run Eslint to find out linting issues.
npm run docs Create API docs. checkout APIs at - localhost:3001/v1/docs
npm run docs-postman Create API docs JSON file to import to Postman

Run at local server

touch .env

npm run start

NOTE - Refer to Sample Env File

Check Server Status

Once server has started run http://localhost:8443/healthcheck.



Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Express Boilerplate" Project. README Source: imbudhiraja/express-boilerplate

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