EvanHahn Dotfiles Save Abandoned

Moved to https://gitlab.com/EvanHahn/dotfiles.

Project README


This is a collection of many of my configuration files and scripts. I've been working on these since 2012 and am still learning a lot.

  • /home contains stowable directories. After installing stow, stow -t "$HOME" vim should symlink vim. Feel free to stow anything of the other folders in there, like tmux or zsh or lynx.
  • /resources contains miscellaneous resources that might require a little work. There's usually a README.

Manual tasks



  • Switch to GNU versions
    1. brew install coreutils grep gnu-sed gnu-tar gnu-which
    2. Add "$(brew --prefix coreutils)/libexec/gnubin" to $PATH (replacing coreutils with grep, gnu-sed, etc)
    3. alias ls='ls --color=auto'
  • Disable Spotlight suggestions
  • Defaults tty_tickets with sudo visudo


  • gnome-sushi
  • ttf-mscorefonts-installer
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "EvanHahn Dotfiles" Project. README Source: EvanHahn/dotfiles
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3 years ago

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