Esp Lisp Versions Save

Beta: A small fast lisp interpeter for a ESP8266 as alternative to lua on the nodemcu.


7 years ago

This one has imacs in it. It's a function called edit. See the wiki docs for functions. -p /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 460800 write_flash -fs 32m -fm qio -ff 40m
0x0 rboot.bin 0x1000 blank_config.bin 0x2000 esp-lisp.bin 0x200000 spiffs.bin

I don't have an esp-8266 on my now, but had time to build the files. Let me know how it works!


8 years ago

Provided as convenience instead of having to compile. May be useful for newbies.

Use the following to flash your nodemcu/esp8266: -p /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 115200 write_flash -fs 16m -fm qio -ff 40m 0x20000 ./firmware/0x20000.bin 0x00000 ./firmware/0x00000.bin


8 years ago

See the logs, but essentially more stable and the beginnings of network support.


8 years ago

Putting up binaries for test.

Flash the nodemcu like this: -p /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 115200 write_flash -fs 16m -fm qio -ff 40m 0x40000 ./0x40000.bin 0x00000 ./0x00000.bin