EnglishWorlds Versions Save

Social Network for non native English speakers


6 years ago


7 years ago

This is not a stable release

Tested with Laravel 5.4

What's new:

1- Live posts editing with JQuery Ajax 2- Likes and dislikes recursively


7 years ago

This is the initial Laravel 5.1 stable release: :bookmark:

Features: :confetti_ball: 1- :white_check_mark: Signup and Signin :lock_with_ink_pen: 2- :white_check_mark: Update profile information :bust_in_silhouette: 3- :white_check_mark: Search for users :mag_right: 4- :white_check_mark: Post statuses and replies :thought_balloon: 5- :white_check_mark: Like statuses and replies :thumbsup: 6- :white_check_mark: Add and delete friends :busts_in_silhouette: TODO: :page_facing_up: 1- :negative_squared_cross_mark: Ajax implementation :airplane: 2- :negative_squared_cross_mark: Frontend design :nail_care: 3- :negative_squared_cross_mark: Update custom profile picture and password :closed_lock_with_key: 4- :negative_squared_cross_mark: Post photos and videos :camera: :video_camera: 5- :negative_squared_cross_mark: Extended search :mag: 6- :negative_squared_cross_mark: Instant messaging :incoming_envelope: 7- :negative_squared_cross_mark: Votes on posts :arrow_down_small: :arrow_up_small: 8- :negative_squared_cross_mark: Notifications :bell: 9- :negative_squared_cross_mark: Render emojis :trollface: 10- :negative_squared_cross_mark: Upgrade to Laravel 5.4 :sparkles: 11- :negative_squared_cross_mark: Unit tests and Continuous Integration :construction_worker: 12- :negative_squared_cross_mark: Write official documentation :books:


7 years ago

Procedural plain php This is a messy crapy bad code Even though iy works for the most part Features: 1- Signup 2- Login 3- Add friends 4- Private messaging 5- Posts