Elkarte Versions Save

ElkArte Forum. A free, open source, modern discussion forum / BB


8 years ago

Today, we are pleased to release ElkArte 1.0.7. This release fixes some bugs and issues that were found or reported since the release of 1.0.6. As this is a maintenance release, the majority of the updates are focused on bug fixes and increased stability. This is a recommended update for everyone running the 1.0.6 version.

Some notable updates in 1.0.7 include:

  • updated the package server fixing detection for installed and downloaded packages,
  • added BBC tables formatting,
  • fixed likes when splitting topics,
  • fixed a database error in member list sorting of custom fields,
  • two new hooks
  • few other fixes

This release follows our semantic version (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH), meaning that third-point (x.x.X) releases should contain backwards-compatible bug fixes and enhancements, so for the most part you will not find new features in this release. Major new features will be reserved for second point versions (x.X.x).

Refer to the release notes on the forum for a complete list of updates.


8 years ago

Today, we are pleased to release ElkArte 1.0.6. This release fixes some bugs and issues that were found or reported since the release of 1.0.5. As this is a maintenance release, the majority of the updates are focused on bug fixes and increased stability. This is a recommended update for everyone running the 1.0.5 version.

Some notable updates in 1.0.6 include:

  • added the possibility not to have a default value for "multi-option" custom fields (select boxes and radio buttons),
  • removed poster div for ignored users,
  • fixed removing of PM labels,
  • fixed a couple of issues with the moderation "hamburger" (for mobile devices)
  • few other fixes

This release follows our semantic version (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH), meaning that third-point (x.x.X) releases should contain backwards-compatible bug fixes and enhancements, so for the most part you will not find new features in this release. Major new features will be reserved for second point versions (x.X.x).

Refer to the release notes on the forum for a complete list of updates.


8 years ago

Today, we are pleased to release ElkArte 1.0.5. This release fixes a number of bugs and issues that were found or reported since the release of 1.0.4. As this is a maintenance release, the majority of the updates are focused on bug fixes and increased stability. This is a recommended update for everyone running the 1.0.4 version.

Some notable updates in 1.0.5 include:

  • added @ mentions to the quick modify as well
  • fixed bbc parser not working 100% correctly with tags having multiple parameters
  • updated FontAwesome to version 4.4
  • made the packages list sorted alphabetically (instead of the "almost random" one)
  • added a confirmation step to the "remove like" function to avoid mistakes
  • fixed editing of the agreement in multiple languages
  • restored the alphabet strip in the members list page
  • fixed a query in personal messages for PSQL
  • fixed the local moderators in admin reports
  • several other minor fixes

This release follows our semantic version (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH), meaning that third-point (x.x.X) releases should contain backwards-compatible bug fixes and enhancements, so for the most part you will not find new features in this release. Major new features will be reserved for second point versions (x.X.x).

Refer to the release notes on the forum for a complete list of updates.


8 years ago

Today, we are pleased to release ElkArte 1.0.4. This release fixes a number of bugs and issues that were found or reported since the release of 1.0.3. As this is a maintenance release, the majority of the updates are focused on bug fixes and increased stability. This is a recommended update for everyone running the 1.0.3 version.

Some notable updates in 1.0.4 include:

  • Basic automated images rotation detection and adjustment
  • Removed the post preview in case of errors
  • Made "select" custom fields searchable
  • Improved package manager servers handling
  • Fixed "Happy birthday" emails
  • Fixed word censoring not working properly in a certain combination of settings
  • several other minor fixes

This release follows our semantic version (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH), meaning that third-point (x.x.X) releases should contain backwards-compatible bug fixes and enhancements, so for the most part you will not find new features in this release. Major new features will be reserved for second point versions (x.X.x).

Refer to the release notes on the forum for a complete list of updates.


9 years ago

Today, we are pleased to release ElkArte 1.0.3. This release fixes a number of bugs and issues that were found or reported since the release of 1.0.2. As this is a maintenance release, the majority of the updates are focused on bug fixes and increased stability. This is a recommended update for everyone running the 1.0.2 version.

Some notable updates in 1.0.3 include:

  • Applied some performance improvement to parse_bbc taken from SimplePortal (do note: if you are using SimplePortal you may have to uninstall SimplePortal and install the latest version from the distribution page.)
  • Avatars are now shown in the members list
  • It is now possible to modify poll options properly
  • Removed a double Mime-Version from mail headers, it should reduce the number of notifications recognised as spam
  • Several other fixes.

This release follows our semantic version (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH), meaning that third-point (x.x.X) releases should contain backwards-compatible bug fixes and enhancements, so for the most part you will not find new features in this release. Major new features will be reserved for second point versions (x.X.x).


9 years ago

Today, we are pleased to release ElkArte 1.0.2. This release fixes a number of bugs and issues that were found or reported since the release of 1.0.1. As this is a maintenance release, the majority of the updates are focused on bug fixes and increased stability. This is a recommended update for everyone running the 1.0.1 version.

Some notable updates in 1.0.2 include:

  • Greatly simplify the avatar settings and permissions
  • Add quote split button to the editor toolbar
  • Sphinx will now use the mysqli interface as the rest of the forum does
  • Sphinx not working with 2.0.x versions resolved
  • Improve security around db backup downloads
  • Updated dependencies for superfish, cssmin and hover intent to address various UI issues
  • Update sceditor to fix issues with smart phones and when inserting code blocks in WYSIWYG mode and improved handling of pasted html in the editor
  • Split topics by pick messages did not respect post message and move to board
  • Certain custom fields were not updated when requested at registration
  • Server settings were being unset under certain conditions (un-checking of options like maintenance and persistent connections)
  • Add ability to skip styles during html to bbc conversion
  • Curl was not redirecting properly when redirect link contained get values
  • Addition of several new hooks to help with addon writing
  • Prevent unnecessary removal of compiled JS/CSS during normal maintenance (performance)
  • Layout improvements and fixes in many areas, including responsive theme updates

This release follows our semantic version (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH), meaning that third-point (x.x.X) releases should contain backwards-compatible bug fixes and enhancements, so for the most part you will not find new features in this release. Major new features will be reserved for second point versions (x.X.x).


9 years ago

It has been almost a month since we declared ElkArte stable and released version 1.0.0

Since then we have been hard at work fixing bugs that our helpful community have let us know about. We also discovered areas that would benefit from some tightened security so we took care of those as well.

Since this is a "third-point (x.x.X)" (micro) release you will not find new features but only bug fixes and security updates to the code (and some small enhancements). Refer to the release notes on the forum for a complete list of updates.

Upgrade procedure:

  1. go to the page https://github.com/elkarte/Elkarte/releases/tag/v1.0.1
  2. download the file ElkArte_1-0-1_patch.zip to your computer
  3. go to your forum: Admin > Main > Package Manager > Upload Package
  4. click the button to upload the package
  5. locate and select the file you downloaded at point 2
  6. click the "upload" button
  7. follow the instructions on the screen.

For any question you may have, feel free to ask on the support forum.

It is vital that all sites update to this release, thank you for your continued support!


9 years ago

Almost 2 years has passed since work began on ElkArte, a first class FOSS forum program built with many exciting features. Countless hours of work and support have been applied to the task, together with extremely valuable input and feedback from our helpful and constructive community, have resulted in a product of which we are extremely proud.

Today, twenty two months after we began, we are ready to declare ElkArte 1.0.0 (codename: Wombat) stable and ready for deployment to production websites.

We extend our sincere thanks to all those who have dedicated their time, effort and money to help ElkArte reach this day. That means all those who have answered questions, written add-ons, translated text, designed themes, modified templates, reported bugs, submitted patches or written tutorials. Thank you all.

We have much more we still want to accomplish and some code for ElkArte 1.1 has already been written. We are eager to continue its development. This is an exciting time for ElkArte, and we are glad to have you with us.

The following is a list of some of the features you will find in ElkArte:

  • Clean modern theme using HTML5/CSS3 with two variants and a responsive design
  • Like system for posts
  • User Mentions, @mention a user in a post to send an alert to them
  • Respond to PM's and Posts with email (post by email)
  • Built in video embedding for you-tube, vimeo and dailymotion
  • Auto minification and combining of CSS and JS files to save bandwidth and requests
  • Drag and drop file attachment
  • SCEditor (a A lightweight WYSIWYG editor)
  • Quote Splitting in regular editor (ctrl+enter)
  • Drafts for PM's and posts
  • Bad Behavior anti spam built in
  • BBC Footnotes
  • BBC Spoilers
  • Many areas now respond with Ajax (no extra page loads)
  • Drag and drop ordering for smileys, message icons, board order, profile fields and more
  • Improved password ciphers (increased security)
  • Code refactored to MVC standards and use of basic OOP (and more to come in the next releases!)
  • Template cleanup for improved layout consistency (with more to come in future releases)
  • Basic PM searching and ability to mark PM's unread

many others are available, we encourage you to download and install ElkArte in order to discover all of them and if you have any doubt feel free to join the forum at elkarte.net and ask!


9 years ago

The ElkArte Community is pleased to announce the first ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 2 is now available. The release candidate is usually the last development step before release a stable version, made available to allow a final round of testing on what will be the first major version of ElkArte, though it's still considered a development version and as such is not recommended for production use.

For a more detailed list of issues fixed and improvements from the RC1, please read the ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 2 release notes topic on the site.

For a list of known issues, please follow both the topic ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 2 known issues and the list of issues assigned to the 1.0 final milestone here at gitHub.

In order to help us release ElkArte, users of the release candidates are encouraged to report any bugs, issues or errors at our GitHub Issue Tracker.

If you are nervous about reporting bugs through the formal bug reporting system, you can simply report your issues to our user community at ElkArte.

We look forward to receiving your feedback on this second release candidate of ElkArte!


9 years ago

The ElkArte Community is pleased to announce the first ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate is now available. The release candidate is usually the last development step before release a stable version, made available to allow a final round of testing on what will be the first major version of ElkArte, though it's still considered a development version and as such is not recommended for production use.

For a more detailed list of issues fixed and improvements from the previous beta, please read the ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 release notes topic on the site.

For a list of known issues, please follow both the topic ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 known issues and the list of issues assigned to the 1.0 final milestone here at gitHub.

In order to help us release ElkArte, users of the release candidates are encouraged to report any bugs, issues or errors at our GitHub Issue Traker.

If you are nervous about reporting bugs through the formal bug reporting system, you can simply report your issues to our user community at ElkArte.

We look forward to receiving your feedback on this first release candidate of ElkArte!