Elkan1788 Hugo Theme Next Versions Save

Hugo's site theme.


2 years ago

Since last version there found some issues, so release v3.4 to fixed them:

⚓ Fixed isssue #27 ⚓ Remove some debug code line.

Hope you will enjoy it, Thanks all.


2 years ago

After a stable running of the last version, the v3.3 was released now, there were some change & issues fixed:

⚓ Fixed isssue #11 : somethings about the css absoule link. ⚓ Add new type for docs content (maybe only use myself) ⚓ Add post content render link settings. ⚓ Add tags count in tagcloud sidebar.

Hope you will enjoy it, Thanks all.


2 years ago

After a stable running of the last version, the v3.2 was released now, it without so many changes, but only minor fixes:

⚓ Rearrange the content of the sample article for demo. ⚓ fixed some css style dispaly issues. ⚓ change the post article link hover style. ⚓ remove the languages icon when only one language. ⚓ modify some description in README file.

Hope you will enjoy it, Thanks all.


2 years ago

After a stable running of the last version, the v3.1 was released now, it without so many changes, but only minor fixes:

:anchor: use addthis share plug-in instead of bshare. :anchor: rewrite the README content. :anchor: fixed some css style design. :anchor: support math formula. :anchor: design the screenshot image to display.

Hope you will enjoy it, Thanks all.


3 years ago

More and more people will attention this Hugo NexT theme , so I were fixed some display style issue and now it can be release.

:anchor: redefined the configure files design. :anchor: rename the main branch name with the github suggestion. :anchor: fixed the search index file reference error. :anchor: fixed the search not working in archive pages. :anchor: fixed the toggle button animation on mobile screen. :anchor: add search result count tips :anchor: redesign the search button on mobile screen. :anchor: add comment notice with email or mobile app.

Hope you will enjoy it, Thanks all.


3 years ago

Now this blog theme become in Chinese & English , let it support more powerful.

:anchor: add multilingual post content struct folder. :anchor: add multilingual icon on site page. :anchor: fixed the footer copy right information. :anchor: add customer output to fixed the search index file. :anchor: other optimize actions. :anchor: Create custom personal information page :anchor: Add tag cloud in left side menu

Listen to your reference & feedback.


3 years ago

At first there need thanks xtfly share his works on NexT theme which clone from Hexo engine.

On this basis, I had add some enhancement features and improvement, just like below:

:anchor: Beautify for local search style :anchor: Add Valine & LiveRe comment component :anchor: Add article read times and fixed some display bugs :anchor: Add public welfare 404 page :anchor: Add share plugin to share the page content :anchor: Add site analytics include baidu, google, cnzz etc :anchor: Minimize Javascript & Css & use remote CDN import

So now there first release action is start, hope it can enjoy yourself. :dart: :tada: