Elasticsearch Ukrainian Lemmatizer Versions Save

Ukrainian lemmatizer plugin for ElasticSearch


4 years ago

The release for the latest ES in v5.6.x branch.


4 years ago


4 years ago


6 years ago

This marvelous release made the lemmatizer able to be used within the custom analysis settings on ad-hoc basis, using the approach described in the official documentation. Aforesaid (and some additional improvements) also implies the fact that it is now feasible to feed an additional stopwords list to the lemmatizer. Curious reader may find the working example in test.sh.


6 years ago

The release consists mostly of subtle changes, yet they make our life better, don't they?


6 years ago

Next release for the latest ES in v2.4.x branch.


6 years ago

Excellent news! The plugin has gotten smaller (only 3.8 MB !) and builds became faster.


6 years ago

So this has finally happened: the plugin won't use that ugly CSV burden as it used to. Current implementation uses the Morfologik project as an stemming engine. Moreover the most recent dictionary produced by those magnificent guys in Brown-Uk was included. Whenever you run into any of them (and especially @arysin), show your gratitude. 😉


8 years ago

Made it available for ES v2.2.1. Also gradle-wrapper has been added just for convenience purposes.


8 years ago

This particular release addresses an issue with non-Unicode based OSes (like Windows) and a problem with testing in gradle.