Elasticdeeplearning Edl Versions Save

Elastic Deep Learning for deep learning framework on Kubernetes


3 years ago

Fix some stability issues and finetune documents on v0.3.0


3 years ago

Major Features

Add an EDL application: distributed distillation

  • Support elastic training with inference type services during training, such as knowledge distillation
  • Inference type services are automatically registered through service discovery in EDL
  • Knowledge distillation examples in computer vision and natural language processing

And we will release a new version later that automatically adjusts teachers based on traffic.


4 years ago

Release log

Major Features

  1. Add EDL launcher to Manage Trainers on one Container.
  2. Add JobServer and JobClient to simulate a cluster environment and add the tutorial to test with them.
  3. Add EDL version of Resnet model and it can do EDL training by checkpoint every epoch.


4 years ago

this is the first release for EDL, just initial release.