Eksphemeral Versions Save

A simple Amazon EKS manager for ephemeral clusters


4 years ago

Lots of improvements around UX and bug fixes as well as the MVP of an UI.


4 years ago

Now supports end-to-end install and has improved CLI operations.

$ curl -sL http://get.eksphemeral.info/install.sh | sudo --preserve-env bash


4 years ago

We now have a binary CLI called eksp and the teardown logic has been improved.


5 years ago

Features: create, list, prolong, and auto-destruct clusters.

NOTE: make sure to set the following environment variables before you proceed to install it, for example:

$ export EKSPHEMERAL_CLUSTERMETA_BUCKET=eks-cluster-meta

Optionally, in order to receive email notifications about cluster creation and destruction, you need to set the following environment variable:

$ export [email protected]

Note, that you MUST verify both the source email, that is, the address you provide in EKSPHEMERAL_EMAIL_FROM as well as the target email address in the EU (Ireland) eu-west-1 region.