Edge Tpu Tiny Yolo Save

Run Tiny YOLO-v3 on Google's Edge TPU USB Accelerator.

Project README

Edge TPU - Tiny YOLO v3


This repository contains the instructions and scripts to run the Tiny YOLO-v3 on Google's Edge TPU USB Accelerator. Edge TPU can only run full quantized TF-Lite models. If you already have a converted model, simply run inference.py with --quant and --edge_tpu to test it.

usage: Run TF-Lite YOLO-V3 Tiny inference. [-h] --model MODEL --anchors
                                       ANCHORS --classes CLASSES
                                       [-t THRESHOLD] [--edge_tpu]
                                       [--quant] [--cam] [--image IMAGE]
                                       [--video VIDEO]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --model MODEL         Model to load.
  --anchors ANCHORS     Anchors file.
  --classes CLASSES     Classes (.names) file.
  -t THRESHOLD, --threshold THRESHOLD
                        Detection threshold.
  --edge_tpu            Whether to delegate to Edge TPU or run on CPU.
  --quant               Indicates whether the model is quantized.
  --cam                 Run inference on webcam.
  --image IMAGE         Run inference on image.
  --video VIDEO         Run inference on video.

Note: The inference code should be run on Tensorflow 1.15.0, even though the conversion below requires TF 2.0 nightly packages. I recommend using separate anaconda environments for inference and conversion.

Conversion guide

1 - Convert darknet .weights to Keras model

The network can be trained using either the original darknet implementation (https://github.com/pjreddie/darknet) or one of its forks (e.g. https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet).

Important note: The Edge TPU does not support the Leaky ReLU function, so it should be replaced by the regular ReLU. (https://coral.ai/docs/edgetpu/models-intro/#supported-operations)

The darknet weights can be converted to a Keras model using: https://github.com/qqwweee/keras-yolo3. However, this implementation doesn't support the regular ReLU function. Additionally, the TF-Lite conversion later also requires the input shape to be explicit (instead of None). So, I've made a fork with the (stupidly simple) required modifications here: https://github.com/guichristmann/keras-yolo3.

python convert.py tiny-yolo-cfg.cfg darknet-weights.weights keras-filename.h5

2 - Convert Keras to TF-Lite model with full integer quantization.

To run on Edge TPU, we need to convert the Keras model to TF-Lite and apply post-training full integer quantization. https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/performance/post_training_quantization.

python keras_to_tflite_quant.py keras-model.h5 output-filename.tflite

Note: The quantization of the RESIZE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR op is only supported in Tensorflow 2.0 nightly packages as of now, so you need use that version for thconversion.

pip install tf-nightly

3 - Compile with Edge TPU compiler

Install the Edge TPU library and compiler: https://coral.ai/docs/edgetpu/compiler/.

Run the compiler on the TF-Lite quantized model:

edgetpu_compiler quantized.tflite

If everything is correct you should get a log with every op mapped to Edge TPU:

Edge TPU Compiler version 2.0.267685300
Input: quantized.tflite
Output: quantized_edgetpu.tflite
Operator                       Count      Status
RESIZE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR        1          Mapped to Edge TPU
MAX_POOL_2D                    6          Mapped to Edge TPU
CONCATENATION                  1          Mapped to Edge TPU
QUANTIZE                       4          Mapped to Edge TPU
CONV_2D                        13         Mapped to Edge TPU

This model can be run on Edge TPU with inference.py script.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Edge Tpu Tiny Yolo" Project. README Source: guichristmann/edge-tpu-tiny-yolo
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