Easy Build Nt5 Save Abandoned

(No longer maintained) Just a small script I am making and use when building NT5 for a quick lazy mans build.

Project README

Easy-Build GUI For Razzle (No longer maintained)

This is no longer maintained and will be archived

This update is UNTESTED so stuff could be broken,

Just a small script I made and use when building NT5 for a quick lazy mans build. Adapted so others can use. THIS IS IN TESTING, YOU MAY ENCOUNTER ERRORS NOTE: This isn't a new build environment, it is a wrapper for Razzle

** What's New This Update?**

- Tried to improve x64 Detection
- Removed the ugly 'Self extracting' tools and included them in the repo.
- Removed Patcher due to outdated Patch links and files
- Merged 'easybuild64' and 'easybuild' to try allow building both Arch with a single script
 - To build for AMD64 type: easybuild.cmd free x64
- Added Link to Patch folder
- Added some checks for the Auto Build options
- Removed 'timeout' command to help compat with older OSs
- General housekeeping or some issues


**What is it exactly? **

  • It is an easy to use 'frontend' to the NT5 Razzle Build Environment and 4chan/OpenXP Patches

  • Easy to use (I hope)

How to use?

  • Just copy to the same folder as 'razzle.cmd', double-click, it will ask for UAC, detect if user is 32 or 64 bit, then loads razzle + easy-build

  • Run 'easy-build.cmd chk' from a shortcut to launch Debug builds

  • Run ''easy-build.cmd free x64' to start the AMD64 build. You NEED the build type when loading for AMD64.

  • What can it do?

    • One-Click for Build, Postbuild, and ISO creation
    • Automatically detect Host Architecture and load the required razzle
    • Easy switching between:
      • Prerelease and Retail
      • Free and Checked
      • Timebomb Expiration Days
    • Easy access build Error Logs
    • Display Build Environment Info
    • Provide Links to 'Official' Build Guide
    • Checks in place to prevent building without missing files

    Note: This script uses 7za.exe and 7za.dll from "https://www.7-zip.org/download.html" The source can be found there.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Easy Build Nt5" Project. README Source: Empyreal96/easy-build-nt5

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