Dwarfcorp Versions Save

An open-source 3D colony management game for PC, Mac and Linux


7 years ago

This is an experimental build for XNA (windows), and FNA (windows, osx, and linux)

  • DwarfCorpFNA_win32.zip -- FNA build for windows systems.
  • DwarfCorp_FNA_linux_64.tar -- FNA build for 64-bit linux systems
  • DwarfCorp_FNA_linux_32.tar -- FNA build for 32-bit linux systems
  • DwarfCorp_FNA_mac_osx.zip -- FNA build for OSX systems
  • DwarfCorp_XNA_win32.zip -- XNA build for windows systems

XNA build contains XNA 4.0 redistributable, which must be installed first. FNA builds contain either installers for .NET redistributables (in the case of win32 build) or copies of the Mono runtime (for mac and linux builds). To install


  1. Extract the zip file.
  2. First install the XNA 4.0 Restributable (included).
  3. Then simply run DwarfCorp.exe

FNA win32

  1. Extract the zip file.
  2. First install the .NET 4.0 and VC++2010 redistributables (included)
  3. Then simply run DwarfCorpFNA.exe


  1. Extract the zip file.
  2. Drag "DwarfCorp.app" to a location in Finder
  3. Launch the app.

FNA Linux 64/32

  1. Extract the tar file
  2. Run "DwarfCorpFNA.bin.x86" (you may need to chmod permissions first)