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Next generation API for .NET

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.NEXT (dotNext) is a set of powerful libraries aimed to improve development productivity and extend .NET API with unique features. Some of these features are planned in future releases of .NET platform but already implemented in the library:

Proposal Implementation
Interop between function pointer and delegate DelegateHelpers factory methods
Check if an instance of T is default(T) IsDefault() method
Expression Trees covering additional language constructs, e.g. foreach, await, patterns, multi-line lambda expressions Metaprogramming
Async Locks Documentation
High-performance general purpose Write-Ahead Log Persistent Log
Memory-mapped file as Memory MemoryMappedFileExtensions
Memory-mapped file as ReadOnlySequence ReadOnlySequenceAccessor
A dictionary where the keys are represented by generic arguments Documentation
Process asynchronous tasks as they complete Documentation
Soft References Documentation

Quick overview of additional features:

All these things are implemented in 100% managed code on top of existing .NET API.

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What's new

Release Date: 04-20-2024

DotNext.IO 5.4.0

  • Added FileWriter.WrittenBuffer property

DotNext.Net.Cluster 5.4.0

  • Changed binary file format for WAL for more efficient I/O. A new format is incompatible with all previous versions. To enable legacy format, set PersistentState.Options.UseLegacyBinaryFormat property to true
  • Introduced a new experimental binary format for WAL based on sparse files. Can be enabled with PersistentState.Options.MaxLogEntrySize property

DotNext.AspNetCore.Cluster 5.4.0

  • Updated dependencies

Changelog for previous versions located here.

Release & Support Policy

The libraries are versioned according with Semantic Versioning 2.0.

Version .NET compatibility Support Level
0.x .NET Standard 2.0 :x:
1.x .NET Standard 2.0 :x:
2.x .NET Standard 2.1 :x:
3.x .NET Standard 2.1, .NET 5 :x:
4.x .NET 6 :white_check_mark:
5.x .NET 8 :heavy_check_mark:

:x: - unsupported, :white_check_mark: - bug and security fixes only, :heavy_check_mark: - active development

Development Process

Philosophy of development process:

  1. All libraries in .NEXT family are available for various .NET form factors: Mono, WASM, NativeAOT
  2. Minimal set of dependencies
  3. Provide high-quality documentation
  4. Stay cross-platform
  5. Provide benchmarks


.NEXT is used by several companies in their projects:

Copenhagen Atomics



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This project has adopted the .NET Foundation Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "DotNext" Project. README Source: dotnet/dotNext

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