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a real-time community collaboration platform


1 year ago

🎉 Welcome to the rebirth of! After a transformative journey that began with Etherpad, we've arrived at a new release that we're absolutely thrilled to share with you. has been rebuilt from the ground up. 🚧 Our path led us to ProseMirror 📝 and Tiptap ✏️, and we chose Vite.js ⚡ and Hocuspocus 🎩 to serve as our foundation.

🎢 Along the way, we faced a fair share of ups and downs. We started questioning whether we were overcomplicating things in trying to meet our goals. So, we took a step back and decided to refactor the client side. We've now transitioned from React (Vite.js) to Next.js. 🔄 You can read more about this decision and the reasoning behind it here.

🚀 We can't wait for you to experience the new This is just the beginning, and we have many enhancements and improvements 🆙 lined up for the next steps. There's much work ahead of us, but we're committed to making better with every release.

🎉 Meet Our New Contributor

A big shoutout to our new contributor:

@shayanmemarzade 🙌 made their first contribution in Pull Request #86. We're thrilled to have you onboard! Full Changelog: Explore the complete set of changes in this release here.

🙏 Thanks for being a part of the community. Your support and feedback inspire us to keep pushing the boundaries of what our tool can do.


3 years ago