Docker Gc Cron Versions Save

A Docker image that allows scheduled cleanup of unused Docker images, containers, and volumes.


3 weeks ago

This comes to you by way of @zanetaylor, who contributed #8 to update the Docker version to the oldest server version that supports the minimum API version supported by the current Docker release (v26), which is API v1.24. Thanks, Zane!


3 months ago

Yes, this repo is still alive, and I still think about it!

Today I pushed up a couple minor changes to the code, and cut a new release mostly as a way of getting container image versions into place that aren't latest. Good practices are good.

The code changes in this release are mostly trivial:

  1. Bumped the parent image from Alpine 3.13 to 3.19.
  2. Made the default cron execution consistent with the documentation (0 0 * * *).
  3. Fixed a cosmetic bug where an sh: out of range message was get emitted if CLEAN_UP_VOLUMES was unset.
  4. Tightened up the script syntax a little.

Probably the most important change is that container image tagging is a more consistent thing now:

As usual, please let me know if you see any issues!

Full Changelog: