DittoSeq Versions Save

Color blindness friendly visualization of single-cell and bulk RNA-sequencing data


5 years ago

Includes stable versions of all plotting functions -- DBDimPlot, DBPlot, DBBarPlot, DBHeatmap, and multi-versions of DBPlot and DBDimPlot -- as well as a few new accessor functions.

As the first major, stable, update on DittoSeq's journey, Viridian Forest seemed an apt title.


5 years ago

I added data.hover plotly functionality to DBPlot and DBBarPlot. Now, all three plot types work with hover (DBDimPlot had the feature in the original 0.1.0 release.) I also added the ability to set different themes for the DBBarPlot function.


5 years ago

This is the initial release version of DittoSeq.