Distkv Versions Save

A light weight distributed key-value database system with table concept.


4 years ago

The features of this release version are:

  1. Implement DstSortedListLinkedImpl for sorted list (#378)
  2. Add Distkv docker support (#411)
  3. Refine client with 1 client instance for all concepts (#413)
  4. Add BSD-3-clause LICENSE (#422)
  5. Support that master sync the requests to slaves (#435)
  6. Upgrade protobuf to proto3 (#458)
  7. Enable io thread only for dousi server (#460)
  8. Refine the relationship between worker, worker pool and store runtime (#467)
  9. Remove legacy table concept (#485)
  10. Support namespace filter for client to allow key conflicts (#504)
  11. Make SyncClient wrap the AsyncClient. (#506)
  12. Add namespace command executor (#508)
  13. The POC of non heap hash map for store. (#507)
  14. [Pine] Init pine module as the ecosystem of Distkv. (#518)
  15. Add deactive namespace support (#521)
  16. [Pine] Support PineTopper as a component of distkv ecosystem. (#520)


  1. Fix jmh bug (#481)
  2. Fix SortedListLinkedImpl bug (#487)
  3. Fix start dkv server and cli not work (#490)
  4. Fix keyboardinterrept exception (#512)
  5. Fix package wheel and deploy (#519)


4 years ago

The features of this release version are:

  1. Support asynchronous services.(#294 )
  2. Support Dst asynchronous client.(#333 #340 #341 )
  3. Enable new DstExecutor.(#314 #294 #321 #342 #343 #347 )
  4. Introduce Dmeta Module to Dst.(#290 )
  5. Introduce drpc to replace brpc.(#291 #307 #345 #364 )
  6. Support Dst Error code System.(#306 )
  7. Use HashMap instead of ConcurrentHashMap in core module.(#350 )
  8. Refactor the Dst core module.(#352 #316 #361 #371 )
  9. Refine and optimize the API.(#322 #317 #325 #328 #339 )
  10. Support Dst configuration classes.(#387 )


  1. Fix command line tool.(#296 )
  2. Fix client disconnection.(#319 )
  3. Fix unexpected output in the command line.(#358 )
  4. Fix the bug of out of index of the the shard index.(#365 )
  5. Fix list removeRange.(#389 )


4 years ago

The features of this release version are:

  1. Support DstNewSQL, Parser and new client tool with antlr4(#236 #237 #242 #249 #264 #265 #263 #266 )
  2. Support table concept in core module (#155 )
  3. Support SortedList in core module (#186 )
  4. Support DstConcurrentQueue interface and DefaultConcurrentQueue (#248 )
  5. Refine rpc services (#251 #260 #255 )
  6. Rename group id from org.dst to com.distkv.dst(#282 )


4 years ago

This is the first release version of Dst.

The features of this release version are:

  1. Support Redis-like structure: str, set, list and dict.
  2. Support dst-cli client tool.
  3. Support Java client SDK with sync client.