Dist Clang Save

Distributed [cross-]compilation for Clang

Project README

Build Status

DistClang is the Clang compiler extension with a client-server infrastructure. It features the distributed cross-platform compilation and the intermediate result caching.

The project consists of 2 executables and a couple of configuration files.

clang is a client part and should reside on the machine where the compilation is invoked. It should replace the invocation of the original compiler.

clangd is a server that has 2 different roles: emitter and absorber.

How to build

First of all do clone with an argument --recurse-submodules and then configure the project:


To build You have to use a recent Clang compiler with C++14 support.

For debugging and local usage

ninja -C out/Debug.gn All
cd out/Debug.gn
ln -s clang clang++

The resulting files clang, clang++ and clangd are located in the out/Debug.gn folder.

Linux DEB and RPM packages

ninja -C out/Release.gn rpm_package deb_package

The resulting packages are:


Don't use locally the clang and clangd from the out/Release.gn folder since they are hardcoded to use libraries from /usr/lib/dist-clang folder.

Mac OS X package

ninja -C out/Release.gn pkg_package

The resulting package is out/Release.gn/dist-clang-<version>.pkg

How to configure the emitter


How to configure the absorber


How to run local compilation

The basics is to make use of dist-clang's clang and clang++ as the compilers. Doing

export CC=/usr/bin/dist-clang/clang CXX=/usr/bin/dist-clang/clang++

possibly should work almost always.

To work properly the dist-clang should know about the real compiler's path and compiler's version.

Use local config file

One way to provide information about a real compiler is to put config file somewhere on the path to the folder where the build is performed. File must be named .distclang and should contain something like this:

path: "third_party/llvm-build/Release+Asserts/bin/clang"
version: "clang version 3.7.0 (trunk 231690)"

Use environment variables

Another way - is to set some env. vars:

export DC_CLANG_PATH="/usr/bin/clang"
export DC_CLANG_VERSION="clang version 3.7.0 (trunk 231690)"

Rely on auto-detect

The last resort is to use dist-clang's auto-detect feature: it tries to find the next clang in the path, that differs from the current binary, i.e. /usr/bin/dist-clang/clang. It's a not recommended and error-prone way, since internally paths are compared as a raw strings - without link resolution, etc.

In any way, if the clang path is provided without version, then the version is carved out of the real clang's output.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Dist Clang" Project. README Source: abyss7/dist-clang
Open Issues
Last Commit
5 years ago

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