Discreture Versions Save

A modern C++ library for efficiently and easily iterating through common combinatorial objects, such as combinations, permutations, partitions and more.


5 years ago

Incorporated many quality-of-life changes, and many name changes, such as IndexedView instead of AggregateView.


6 years ago

A few bug fixes, many optimizations, multisets is now a random access container, and some general code cleanup.


6 years ago

From now on, work will commence on switching to boost::iterator_facade, (and gtest and gbench for testing and benchmarking, respectively).


7 years ago

A few more fixes before the actual release. Added some install rules so that one can install in OSs other than Linux.


8 years ago

Added set partitions and slight modifications.


8 years ago

Passes all tests. Needs outside testing.