Discordrb Versions Save

Discord API for Ruby


5 years ago


3.3.0 brings discordrb up to speed with new features added to Discord's API over the last year. Included is a large number of fixes, optimizations, and library features.

Since there is a lot here, here are highlights of the more notable changes in this release:

  • We now use SSL certificate validation in our gateway connections, and enforce use of TLSv1.2. If this is an issue for your platform or environment (you get errors related to SSL), please report this with relevant details. You can revert to the old codepath at any time by setting DISCORDRB_SSL_VERIFY_NONE`. This environment variable will be removed in a later release when this proves to be a stable default.

  • CommandBot now supports a new method of "aliasing" commands with the aliases: keyword. It accepts an array of symbols of alternate command names. Currently this is supported by passing an array of symbols for the command name itself, but this essentially makes "copies" of the command, meaning each alias will show up in your help command. Using aliases instead, the library will recognize that these other names are aliases instead of copying the command. Aliases will be listed when users use !help with the command name, or any of its aliases. For now you may chose to use either style, but you cannot use both. Specifying an array for the command name is now considered deprecated.

  • There are now two methods of creating "awaits" in discordrb. The new style is a blocking (synchronous) method that uses threads and regular event handlers in the background. The new methods are all named with a bang (!), i.e. user.await!, message.await!, and simply return the raised event. This system should be less confusing that the current asynchronous one. These blocking awaits no longer have an identifying key and only accept the event attributes as an argument. There is also a special reserved attribute called timeout that will stop waiting for an event and return nil if the given number of seconds has passed. Eventually this new system of awaits will replace the old one in a later breaking change. A short example:

bot.message(content: '!test') do |event|
  event.respond 'What is your name?'
  response = event.message.await!(timeout: 3)
  if response
    event.respond "Hello, #{response.message.content}!"
    event.respond 'You took too long!'

The entire changelog follows, with items that contain breaking changes noted. If you use parts of the library mentioned in a breaking change, you can read the PR and diff for the full details. If you need help with understanding, updating your bot, or have any other questions, please feel free to join us on Discord or open an issue if necessary.

Thank you to all of our contributors!


  • API methods to add and remove single member roles (#310)
  • (breaking change) API methods and abstractions for listing available voice regions (#311)
  • Server methods to prune members and to get the number of members available for pruning (#315)
  • Methods for filtering the kinds of overwrites present on a channel (#321)
  • Channel#default_channel?, for checking if a channel is the default channel of a server (#320, thanks @Reaver01)
  • Method for returning a Server's @everyone role
  • Reactions can now be serialized with #to_s to be used in Message#react more easily (#342)
  • Additional objects and attributes for parsing embeds on messages (#344, thanks @mattantonelli)
  • Methods for finding a members highest role, the role that is hoisting the member, or giving the member color (#335, thanks @Snazzah)
  • API support for managing webhooks (#356, thanks @Daniel-Worrall)
  • Support for reading and managing a channel's nsfw property (#380)
  • The :administrator permissions value is aliased as :administrate (#322)
  • Class methods on Permissions for easily building permissions bits values (#322)
  • Gateway#send_packet and Gateway#send_raw methods to send custom data payloads to the gateway
  • Methods for reading icon_url and proxy_icon_url in EmbedAuthor
  • Methods for obtaining a server and channels invites (#394)
  • Example of using awaits (#370)
  • Methods on Member for kicking and banning (#404)
  • API method and abstraction for adding members to guilds with OAuth2 tokens (#413)
  • Example of using a prefix proc (#411)
  • (breaking change) Methods for managing a server's system channel (#437, thanks @ldelelis)
  • (breaking change) Additional error code constants (#419, thanks @LikeLakers2)
  • Commands can be created with a :rescue argument, to provide a message or callback when an unhandled exception is raised when executing the command (#360)
  • (breaking change) Additional Server properties for verification levels, default message notification levels, and explicit content filter settings (#414, thanks @PixeLInc)
  • (breaking change) nonce is accepted in API::Channel.create_message (#414, thanks @PixeLInc)
  • Setters for new status options (Bot#listening=, Bot#watching=) (#432, thanks @PixeLInc)
  • Documentation examples for sending a file (#409)
  • Respondable implements #send_embed (#420)
  • Invite now supplies max_age and created_at
  • Invite now supplies member_count and online_member_count (#454, thanks @Snazzah)
  • Server methods for managing a server's embed (widget) settings (#435)
  • (breaking change) Support for category channels in Server and Channel (#415, #477, thanks @omnilord)
  • CommandBot and commands channel whitelist can now be modified after creation (#446, thanks @omnilord)
  • A Role's position can now be sorted relative to other roles (#445, thanks @mattantonelli)
  • The return keyword inside of commands can be used to return content to Discord (#462, thanks @TrenchFroast)
  • Emoji now supplies animated (#464, thanks @PixeLInc)
  • Additional instructions for installation of Ruby's devkit for Ruby 2.3+ (#468, thanks @oct2pus)
  • Server API for retrieving a server's audit logs (#353, thanks @Snazzah)
  • EventContainer methods for server role create, delete, and update events (#494, thanks @Daniel-Worrall)
  • PlayingEvent now returns details (#486, thanks @xTVaser)
  • Role now supplies server (#505, thanks @micke)
  • Documentation for the discordrb-webhooks gem in README.md (#460)
  • A new, synchronous awaits system available via #await! (#499)
  • Channel#sort_after, for moving a channel around a server within categories easily (#497)
  • The gemspec now includes a link to the changelog (#515, thanks @ChallahuAkbar)
  • Commands can now be restricted by either allowed_roles or required_roles (#469, thanks @elfenars)
  • Bot#parse_mention parses Channel mentions (#525, thanks @estherbolik)
  • Support for Discord's zlib-stream gateway compression, as well as options to configure the compression mode in Bot#initialize (#527, thanks @oct2pus for additional testing)
  • "Priority Speaker" permission bit (#530, thanks @Chewsterchew)
  • Implemented aliases attribute in commands, for an improved alternative to "command copying" by passing an array to the command name (#524)
  • (breaking change) Methods for managing a Channel's slowmode settings (#573, thanks @badBlackShark)


  • Channel#make_invite now accepts an argument to always return a unique invite code (#312)
  • More of the API accepts objects that respond to #resolve_id (#313, #328, thanks @Likelakers2)
  • (breaking change) Channel#history and API::Channel.messages now accepts around_id (#314)
  • (breaking change) API::Server.prune_count accepts days (#315)
  • (breaking change) Methods for creating channels accept additional arguments (#321)
  • Channel overwrite-related API now returns an Overwrite object (#321)
  • (breaking change) Creating roles now accepts more parameters (#323, thanks @Reaver01)
  • Rate limits are now logged to a :ratelimit logging level and can be configured
  • client_id in Bot#initilalize is now optional, and will be cached automatically by the API when needed (#337)
  • Voice::Encoder#encode_file now accepts options for ffmpeg (#341, thanks @oyisre)
  • Objects that implement IDObject can now be compared using more operators (#346, thanks @mattantonelli)
  • Filled in permissions bit for viewing a server's audit log (#349, thanks @Daniel-Worrall)
  • https://cdn.discordapp.com is now used as the base URL for CDN resources like avatars and server icons (#358)
  • Reaction events raised from the bot's actions will respect parse_self (#350, thanks @Daniel-Worrall)
  • Webhooks::Embed#initialize parses its color/colour argument (#364, thanks @Daniel-Worrall)
  • Webhook related events can now be matched on webhook ID (#363, thanks @Daniel-Worrall)
  • Discord's default user avatar URLs will now be returned when applicable (#375)
  • Cache#find_user can now find individual users if name and discriminator is given (#384)
  • ReactionEvent provides both server and member, if possible (#351, thanks @Daniel-Worrall)
  • Installation instructions now include guides for installing with Bundler (#386, #405, thanks @VxJasonxV and @PixeLInc)
  • (breaking change) default_channel implementation is updated to reflect Discord changes (#382, #534)
  • Documentation around the conditions where our API returns nil is clarified (#395, thanks @LikeLakers2)
  • Whenever possible, we update cached data about a Server returned to us from making changes to it
  • (breaking change) Cache#server now returns nil if a server is not found instead of raising an exception (#424, thanks @soukouki)
  • Bucket#rate_limited? now accepts an increment value for weighted rate limits (#427, thanks @Lavode)
  • (breaking change) Server#bans now returns Array<ServerBan>, which contains reason data in addition to the user banned (#404)
  • Channel#prune now accepts a block that can be used to filter the messages to be pruned (#421, thanks @snapcase)
  • WSCS verions message is now only printed when using voice functionality (#438, thanks @dreid)
  • (breaking change) API::Server.update_channel is now API::Server.update_channel_positions
  • CI is now tested against Ruby 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5 (#476, thanks @nicolasleger)
  • CI now tests with YARD to validate docstrings
  • Specs for Channel are refactored (#481, thanks @Daniel-Worrall)
  • Specs are refactored to not use module namespaces (#520, thanks @Daniel-Worrall)
  • Bot now logs to LOGGER.info when the bot successfully resumes
  • Code climate tooling is updated (#489, thanks @ChallahuAkbar)
  • Bot#parse_mention will now return an Emoji object for a mention of an emoji the bot isn't connected to (#473)
  • The changelog now follows the "Keep a Changelog" format (#504, thanks @connorshea)
  • Bot#run documentation is adjusted to clarify the use of its async argument (#521)
  • (breaking change) Bot#join is renamed to Bot#accept_invite (#521)
  • Embed#colour=/Embed#color= now accepts instances of ColourRGB/ColorRGB (#523)
  • Gateway now performs certificate validation, and enforces use of TLSv1.2. If you experience issues (please report them!), you can return to the old codepath by setting DISCORDRB_SSL_VERIFY_NONE (#528, thanks @cky)
  • Documentation clarifications around voice_state_update, member_update, and server_create (#531)
  • URLs listed across the code base now use https, various other cleanups (#540, thanks @ChallahuAkbar)
  • Dependency on the ffi gem is restricted to >= 1.9.24 to prevent a security exploit on Windows, per CVE-2018-1000201 (#544)
  • Warnings about accessing cached data after server streaming times out are now clarified and printed when accessing relevant methods (#578, thanks @connorshea)


  • The existing awaits system is deprecated in favor of a simpler, synchronous system introduced in #499 (#509)


  • (breaking change) Unsupported mentions argument in Create Message API (#420)
  • (breaking change) TrueClass is no longer an alias for :debug logging in Bot#initialize


  • Errors::MessageTooLong is now raised correctly (#325, thanks @Daniel-Worrall)
  • Certain Reaction related events properly inherit Event (#329, thanks @valeth)
  • Permissions calculation now takes the server's @everyone role permissions into consideration (additional work by #357, thanks @mattantonelli)
  • Role#members had a typo preventing it from working (#340)
  • Message#my_reactions now correctly returns Array<Reaction> (#342)
  • Several internal checks have been added to make bots more resilient to zombie connections
  • Documentation for TypingEvent is now more accurate (#367, thanks @Snazzah)
  • Corrected implementation of the reason parameter in various API (#372)
  • CommandBot's advanced functionality properly handles empty strings in certain settings (#379, thanks @LikeLakers2)
  • Rate limit headers are processed correctly when running into certain API exceptions (#440, thanks @unleashy)
  • Typos preventing ArgumentError from being raised when processing arg_types (#400, thanks @Daniel-Worrall)
  • Server#create_role correctly accepts a ColourRGB/ColorRGB via #combined
  • EventContainer#add_handler correctly adds handlers for events that haven't had internal storage created for them yet
  • When a server is initially cached, its channels are now cached in a way that prevents REST exceptions from being raised when attempting to process gateway events with uncached channels as a subject (#391)
  • Await event matching now considers specific subclasses, preventing certain awaits to be triggered wrongly on different events in the same class tree (#431)
  • Bulk deleting messages properly filters out messages older than two weeks (#439, thanks @Emberwalker)
  • Rate limiting when certain API errors occur are handled properly (#440, thanks @unleashy)
  • Querying the cache for an unknown member no longer adds nil elements, which caused unexpected behavior (#456)
  • Logging behaves correctly when token is an empty string (#449, thanks @Daniel-Worrall)
  • Several typos in documentation (#444, thanks @ToppleKek)
  • When possible, User objects are now cached from messages instead of making an API request that may fail
  • rest-client is upgraded to >= 2.1.0.rc1, as 2.1.0 is completely broken on Windows with Ruby 2.5 (#478, thanks @Daniel-Worrall and @swarley)
  • EmbedAuthor sets the correct instance variable for proxy_icon_url
  • ReactionEvent correctly returns the server on which it occurred (#484, thanks @charagarlnad)
  • ServerRoleCreateEvent no longer fails to match when supplying a name attribute (#493, #506, thanks @Daniel-Worrall and @micke)
  • PlayingEvent now correctly returns server (#486, thanks @xTVaser)
  • Roles will no longer be cached twice when using Server#create_role (#488)
  • Race condition when creating event handlers inside of other event handlers (#514)
  • Command chain execution is halted immediately if execute_command fails, fixing some possible errors that could occur with advanced_functionality (#517, thanks @unleashy)
  • In the event non-existent role IDs are observed in a member object, they are ignored to prevent cache related errors (#535)
  • end_with attribute in MessageEventHandler now accepts group-less regular expressions without throwing exceptions (#571, thanks @badBlackShark)
  • PresenceEvent is correctly raised when dispatched (#574)
  • Attachment#initialize correctly sets @id instance variable (#575, thanks @kandayo)


8 years ago

This version of discordrb is functionally identical to v1.8.1 but purely uses WSCS as the WebSocket library. This avoids the annoying problems posed by EventMachine relying on external OpenSSL bindings. It's not released on RubyGems because you should know about this when installing it. v2.0.0 will use pure WSCS too so once that is released, you can just update and you don't have to worry about the dependencies.

Install it using gem install discordrb-pure-wscs.gem in the folder where you downloaded it. It still requires the DevKit but no OpenSSL libraries.

Note that while everyone I've given the file to has used it without problems so far, it's by far not tested as well as the main version - if you encounter any bug, just report an issue.