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A certifiable defense against adversarial examples by training neural networks to be provably robust


5 years ago

Version from the Arxiv paper


  • Added DSL to specify complex objectives and complex training scheduling.
  • Added abstract layers for increasing precision in deeper networks
  • Added onyx exporting
  • Included examples of trained nets such as ResNet34


We present a training system, which can provably defend significantly larger neural networks than previously possible, including ResNet-34 and DenseNet-100. Our approach is based on differentiable abstract interpretation and introduces two novel concepts: (i) abstract layers for fine-tuning the precision and scalability of the abstraction, (ii) a flexible domain specific language (DSL) for describing training objectives that combine abstract and concrete losses with arbitrary specifications. Our training method is implemented in the DiffAI system.


5 years ago

The initial version used to reproduce the results in the ICML Paper