Deepreplay Versions Save

Deep Replay - Generate visualizations as in my "Hyper-parameters in Action!" series!


5 years ago

This small release includes support for custom metrics and objects. Prior to this release, DeepReplay expected a metric name like acc as argument and would fail if an instance of a metric object were passed as argument instead. Now, it takes either a metric name or an instance of a metric object (custom or not).


5 years ago


  • Setting default movie writer back to FFMPEG
  • Applied identity function to input tensor to comply with changes introduced by TensorFlow 1.8 - thanks to @albb762 :-)


5 years ago

ReplayData Callback

  • model parameter included, for fetching model initial conditions without having to fit it


  • new visualizations included:
    • violin plot for the weights (build_weights method)
    • violint plots for the Z-values/Activations (build_outputs method)
    • violin plot for the gradients (build_gradients method)
  • new properties
    • weights_std: standard deviation of the weights per layer
    • gradients_std: standard deviation of the gradients per layer


  • two new datasets included:
    • ballfor generating points with zero mean and unit standard deviation inside a n-ball
    • hypercube for generating points for the corners of a n-dimensional hypercube