Deepak Malik Data Structures In Java Save

Data Structures implemented in Java

Project README


This repository contains various data structures and provide insights about them. Feel free to create an issue if you see one in any of the implementations.

Data Structures :
These is just a basic set, we have lot of other data structures as well,

  • Linear

    • Index Based
      • Arrays
    • Non Index Based
      • List
      • Queue
      • Stack
  • Non Linear

    • Hash Tables
    • Set
    • Priority Queue
    • Tree
      • Balanced
        • Red Black Tree
        • AVL Tree
        • Splay Tree
      • Non Balanced
        • Binary Tree
        • Binary Search Tree
        • B Tree
        • Trie
  • Choosing the right data structure

Below topics/problems are covered as of now.

1. Strings

2. Arrays

3. LinkedList

4. Stack

5. Queue

6. Vector

7. Matrix

  • Matrix Introduction
  • Sparse Matrix

8. Trees

9. Graphs

10. Heap

  • Introduction
  • Binary Heap
    • Min Heap
    • Max Heap
  • Binomial Heap
  • Fibonacci Heap
  • Weak Heap

11. Hashing

12. Set

13. Priority Queue

14. Trie

15. Treap

  • Introduction
  • Treap Implementation

16. Cache

17. Miscellaneous

18. Common Utils

19. Iterators

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Deepak Malik Data Structures In Java" Project. README Source: deepak-malik/Data-Structures-In-Java
Open Issues
Last Commit
2 years ago

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