Deciduous Versions Save

App that simplifies building decision trees to model adverse scenarios


2 years ago

Import YAML gists & share with friends

  • You can now bring-your-own-YAML by importing GitHub gists, which will render (you will see the new option of Import GitHub gist alongside the download options in the upper right of the webpage)
  • Importing a gist also generates a unique URL for your tree (based on the gist ID) that you can share with colleagues, friends, and lovers (Valentine's Day is coming up, after all)
  • You can view our example based on the Thanksploitation Rick & Morty episode (read the blog about it for context):

Autocomplete entity names

  • You can now press tab when editing in the text editor to autocomplete entity names (like typing yee and tab will autocomplete to yeet-yubikey if your attacker is a cat)
  • This is a MVP feature, so you cannot rotate through entity names yet (so if you type yee and want yeet-matcha-over-laptop then you'll want to at least type yeet-m to autocomplete correctly)

Clickable arrows

  • You can now click on arrows and arrowheads in the rendered decision tree to jump to its definition in the text editor, which we hope makes for a smoother editing experience (boxes were already clickable if you weren't aware)