Ddb Table Save

πŸ”’ Strongly typed library for querying and modeling DynamoDB documents in TypeScript.

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πŸ”’ DDB-Table

Strongly typed library for querying and modeling DynamoDB documents in TypeScript.

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DDB-Table was built to provide strongly-typed data structures over DynamoDB tables. Using AWS DocumentClient & TypeScript you can easily fetch and store any JSON document and validate it’s structure statically. Query secondary indexes and run complicated update expressions without any error on runtime.

await table
  .update('[email protected]')
  .set('FullName', 'John Doe')
  // 🚨 TypeScript Error: 'fullName' is not assignable to 'Email' | 'FullName'
  .condition((cond) => cond.eq('fullName', 'Johnny Doe'))

Main Features

  • Strongly Typed - End-to-end TypeScript validation for your data.
  • Easy Query Expressions - Automatically escape name attributes and values.
  • Smart Projections - Make sure you only access the fields you project.
  • Query & Scan Indexes - Complete support for global or local indexes.
  • Pure JavaScript - Also works without TypeScript.

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npm i ddb-table


import Table from 'ddb-table';
import { DynamoDBClient } from '@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb';
import { DynamoDBDocument } from '@aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb';

interface MessageSchema {
  threadId: string;
  timestamp: number;
  senderId: string;
  message: string;
  status: 'sent' | 'received';
  tags?: Set<string>;
  attachments: {
    name: string;
    URL: string;

const client = new DynamoDBClient({
  // settings...

// create the basic table definition
const messages = new Table<MessageSchema, 'threadId', 'timestamp'>({
  tableName: 'Messages',
  primaryKey: 'threadId',
  sortKey: 'timestamp',
  documentClient: DynamoDBDocument.from(client);

const updateRes = await messages
  .update('[email protected]', 1588191225322)
  .set('message', 'Hello World!')
  .add('tags', new Set(['unread', 'important']))
  .set('attachments', (exp) =>
    exp.listAppend([{ name: 'Test', URL: 'demo.com' }]),


Working with indexes as well:

// create a secondary index definition
type SenderTimestampIndex = Pick<
  'threadId' | 'timestamp' | 'senderId'

const outboxIndex = messages.index<
>('senderId-timestamp-index', 'senderId', 'timestamp');

const it = outboxIndex
  .keyCondition((cond) => cond.eq('senderId', '[email protected]'))
  .keyCondition((cond) =>
    cond.between('timestamp', Date.now() - 3600e3, Date.now()),
  .project({ threadId: 1, message: 1 })

for await (const item of it) {

Error Handling

import { DynamoDBExceptionName } from 'ddb-table';

try {
  await table.put(...).exec();
} catch (err) {
  if ((err as DynamoDBServiceException)?.name === DynamoDBExceptionName.ConditionalCheckFailedException) {
    // handle exception


MIT license Β© 2022 Neuledge

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Ddb Table" Project. README Source: neuledge/ddb-table
Open Issues
Last Commit
5 months ago

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