Dataform Versions Save

Dataform is a framework for managing SQL based data operations in BigQuery, Snowflake, and Redshift


11 months ago

The dataform format command is now dramatically improved and has better formatter output for each SQL dialect that Dataform supports. Thanks @pokutuna for the contribution!


11 months ago


1 year ago


1 year ago

Users of the CLI (who are otherwise opted-in to analytics tracking) may now pass --track=false on an individual CLI command basis to disable analytics tracking.


1 year ago


1 year ago
  • CLI errors regarding missing credentials files should now be rarer, and contain more explanatory detail when they are thrown
  • --include-dependents (for dataform run) now properly includes dependents of selection actions


1 year ago

Both SQLX and JavaScript now support a database() function, which returns the (prefixed, as applicable) name of "this" action's database. (Contrived) examples:

publish("table", ctx => `select "${ctx.database()}" as col1`);
config { type: "table" }
select "${database()}" as col1

Assuming dataform.config contains "defaultDatabase": "foo", these both generate a table action whose SQL is select "foo" as col1. This is likely most useful in type: "operations" scripts.

Note: For warehouses without databases such as Redshift, this will add an error to the compilationErrors property.

Bugfix: The similar name() function has been fixed to properly attach any prefix as appropriate.


1 year ago

Both SQLX and JavaScript now support a schema() function, which returns the (suffixed, as applicable) name of "this" action's schema. (Contrived) examples:

publish("table", (ctx) => `select "${ctx.schema()}" as col1`);
config { type: "table" }
select "${schema()}" as col1

Assuming dataform.config contains "defaultSchema": "foo", these both generate a table action whose SQL is select "foo" as col1. This is likely most useful in type: "operations" scripts.


1 year ago


1 year ago

This release introduces no new features, but it does change the default compilation mode to something we call main compilation: a cleaner and more maintainable compilation script.