D3mondev Puredns Versions Save

Puredns is a fast domain resolver and subdomain bruteforcing tool that can accurately filter out wildcard subdomains and DNS poisoned entries.


1 year ago


  • Wrong version number in binary releases


1 year ago


  • Added the ability to bruteforce multiple domains simultaneously using the -d, --domains option with the bruteforce command, rather than providing just one domain as an argument. Now, executing puredns bruteforce wordlist.txt -d domains.txt will bruteforce all domains listed in the domains.txt file. #13
  • Added a new option to use trusted resolvers only: --trusted-only. This can help quickly validate small domain lists with less risk of errors due to bad public resolvers. When this option is set, --skip-validation is also implied. #11
  • Introduced the ability to use the * wildcard character when bruteforcing subdomains, enabling users to specify the desired location for word substitution. For example, executing puredns bruteforce wordlist.txt "www.*.example.com" will replace * with words from the wordlist, rather than appending the word to the beginning of the domain.
  • Added a --debug global flag to keep intermediate files. Useful to debug massdns or resolver issues.


  • Resolvers are now loaded from ~/.config/puredns/resolvers.txt and ~/.config/puredns/resolvers-trusted.txt by default. If there is a resolvers.txt file present in the current directory, it still takes precedence. #35


  • Number of domains found was not displayed when the --skip-validation option was set.
  • Domain sanitization now strips any remaining *. prefix at the beginning of a domain instead of skipping the domain entirely. For example, puredns will try to resolve *.example.com as example.com.
  • Support running massdns as root. #17 #27